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The Year of the Bat

by Don Morton

With 2014 being the 75th anniversary of Batman it’s a yearlong celebration. So when is the Bats birthday anyway? Much like the man himself (Batman that is) it’s a little complicated. Batman first appeared in Detective Comics in May of 1939, but it was a common practice for comics to go on sale the month prior to the listed cover date, so it’s a safe bet to say he actually first appeared in April of 1939. Bruce Wayne’s birthday was originally listed as April 7th, only to later be changed to February 19th. April 25 (1940) marks the appearance of Batman #1, Batman’s first solo title comic. But June 26th can also be seen as the true birth of Batman, as this is the day Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed by a mugger (although the true story of their death goes so much deeper) than initially know at the time, and leads a young Bruce Wayne on a path of Justice.


Bob Kane, the legendary comic book artist is credited for creating Batman, but his partner Bill Finger is credited for guiding the look of the Batman as we know him. It’s said that Kane created the concept of the caped crusader giving him a look much like Superman with kind of ... reddish tights, boots, and a small domino mask, swinging on a rope. He had two stiff wings that were sticking out, that looked like bat wings. Finger helped to guide how he actually looked by suggesting his famous cowl, scalloped cape instead of wings; adding gloves; leaving the mask's eyeholes blank to connote mystery; and removing the bright red sections of the original costume, suggesting instead a gray-and-black color scheme.

After ABC cancelled the Batman television series was only a few weeks from being continued on another network. ABC waited a couple weeks to see if another network was interested in picking up the series. After a couple weeks and receiving no interest they decided to demolish the Bat Cave, no sooner had they finished taking the cave apart when NBC stepped up with an offer to take over the show. However the cost of rebuilding the set was too pricy and ultimately NBC had to pass.

Batman (1989 film) TRIVIA: Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, Charlie Sheen (Winning!), Tom Selleck, Ray Liotta, Pierce Brosnan, and Bill Murray were all consider for the role Batman. Tim Curry, William Dafoe (Who would later play the Green Goblin), David Bowe, John Lithgow, James Woods, and Robin Williams were considered for the part of the Joker. You also probably didn’t know that Robin (The boy wonder) was originally written into the movie, and Kiefer Sutherland was offered the part. However Keiferturned down the role because he thought he would be wearing bright yellow tights, and didn’t realize that Burton’s version was much different and darker than the ’60s TV version.

Imagine if you will a completely different Movie starring Bill Murray as Batman, Keifer Sutherland as Robin, and David Bowe as the Joker - it give me chills, lol.

But we don’t have time to be reminiscent, and debate dates when we have so many Bat-astic announcements. And from the looks of it he’s still got decades of delight slated for our future:

Ø DC Comics is currently running a series entitled Batman Eternal, and are gearing up for the "Rise of Robin" story line.

Ø The Rise of Robin looks to be exciting, but if you aren’t current on your Batman then this would be a major SPOILER for you. Suffice to say this story line really helps to drive home the complicated character Batman is.

Ø Batman and Son (animated) was recently released on May 20th, 2014.

Ø Gotham (TV Series) comes your way September 22, 2014.

Ø Lego Batman 3 is scheduled to be released November 11th, 2014.

Ø Batman ’66 (TV Series) is also coming November 11th, 2014.

Ø Batman: Arkham Knight is set to be released June 2nd, 2015.

Ø Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been announced for March 25th, 2016.

Just one peak at alone will fill your brain with so many Batman themed goodies you just might go joker mad, I myself am looking forward to the Batman Black and White Zombie most of all.

So break out your Batarang, Broth of Batman, Anti-Penguin gas pills, and Sharknado repellent. If you find yourself near Burbank, CA stop by the Warner Brothers studio tour, and check out The Batman Exhibit!

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