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Join The GoClub, Win This Exclusive Pop!

THE GoCLUB CONTEST IS HERE: Let your favorite sites and fellow collectors know. The more shares, the more chances to win. Simple as that. Winner will receive this supercool Metallic Dr. Doom Funko Pop! Vinyl courtesy of Go Figure w/special thanks to Popcultcha SupaStore Pennies Rewards Program -- the figure debuted at Thailand Comic Con. Contest Ends on 10/13 @ Midnight (CST), winner chosen on 10/14 @ 12PM Noon (CST), and will be shipped to the lucky duckling on 10/15 (worldwide). RULES: 3 Steps (must complete all three to be eligible) 1.) LIKE

2.) SHARE POST (Once on Go Figure/Facebook - every SHARE adds entries

3.) REGISTER (w/Popcultcha) Be Fun, TJ

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