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Hazzardous Territory

by TJ Norris From 1979-1985 CBS brought us the adventures of the Duke boys in the All-American series The Dukes of Hazzard. Bo and Luke Duke played by (actor/singer) John Schneider and Tom Wopat (respectively) were country bumpkins who raced around Hazzard County in The General Lee -- their revved-up ruby red Dodge Charger and became hearthrobs for the Teen Beat set of the era. The boys often set out to assist in foiling general thievery and mishegas. Other memorable characters were Daisy Duke (the Dukes' cousin), Boss Hogg (the county Commissioner) and the bumblin' Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane -- the latter two, along with the Duke Boys all featured in these retro-style figures from Figures Toy Co.

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The company produces these figures in both 8" and 12" sizes - and for the sake of this review I am looking more closely at the 8" variety. Like others in their increasing line we hope to see other items grow from the individual figues (which are sold separately) such as the famous Charger and other characters. We are told that upcoming series' will really expand to include Daisy Duke, Uncle Jesse, Cooter, Cletus Hogg, Enos & more. Cooter! Though they have paid special detail to everything from Duke's dungarees (down to the stitching), Boss Hogg's infamous white cowboy hat, and Roscoe's badge and buttons.

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These have even finer details that are not evident immediately, such as Bo's separates (two actual fabric shirts) and belt buckle with its tiny design intact. All characters are smiling (Bo's eternal pearly whites) - though I wish there was a changeable head for Hogg as his grimace is what made him famous as a character actor. The small ties (and even smaller tie clip) are just perfect. Oh, and the hats are separate accessories inside the excellent easy-snap, clamshell case. Of the four my favorite is by far Hogg and least is Luke (the 12" figure seems like a better head sculpt than the smaller version). They've caught a sense of resiliency in ever-popular characters from a by-gone era and made them quite poseable. The company also makes carrying cases for multiple figures in case you are the type who wants to get to placing these guys in umpteen scenes of your own :)


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