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Batman Boxed: Celebrating A Record Year

B²BOX: Continuing in the glow of Seventy-Five supercool BAM-Pow-BIFF! years Batman appears, yes, the caped crusader, to be only one of the included goodies in the next Nerd Block - October's was so great that this company that made our Top 5 is on a serious roll! These are the first whispers of a box that will also include something from Boba Fett as well. So, if these are two of your favorite characters, this will be the box for you, and you can give thanks all month long as it will land just days before the t(of)urkey is lain upon the table. Yes, we think it will be more than just a ripple after the Marvel vs. DC block. Stay tuned, and Subscribe Early to get your place in line.

PS: Check out our current Batman Trivia Contest!

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