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Flashback Friday: Compacting Star Wars


by Lysa Goodman

We’re going way back today....a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Growing up as a girl in the late 70s/80s meant I had the prerequisite toys: Barbies, Strawberry Shortcake, Holly Hobby dolls. But as a geek from day one, and with an older brother in the age of Star Wars, there were few toys that linger in my memory like this one.

I don’t know why - maybe because Star Wars was such a cultural touchstone when it came out - but I coveted this set. And when my older brother wasn’t around, I got my grubby little hands on it (side note: sorry big brother!). I liked the fun upper floors - but the part I was most ardently interested in was the trash compactor. I would bury the action figures in the foam “garbage” chunks and crank the wall on the side to put them in mortal peril of being crushed.

Of course, the trash monster was under those chunks of foam too…lurking. So he’d pop up his green plastic head, and at the last moment before being flattened or pulled under, I’d pop the hatch door and let Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie tumble out into safety.

When I tired of re-enacting this scene, I’d marvel at the set’s trap doors, elevator, and the big gun at the top. But I’d always come back to that trash compactor. It’s funny how things stick with us, and I can still recall those foam chunks of gray and orange.

I can vividly recall looking through the side windows to watch the figures have less and less room as I made the walls close in on them, and knowing that the crushing was only the first part they had to worry about. Trash monsters are creepy.


And yes, my Barbie Dream House had an elevator and a swimming pool. But it never captured my attention the way the Death Star set did. The force was strong with this one.


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