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Satur'toons: You Are The One… Sailor Moon!


by Lennon George

Now I know you all are probably thinking “Really? Sailor Moon? Is he ok?”

Yes I am fine I know a grown man into Sailor Moon - sue me! I bet some of you that are reading this are probably in the closet Sailor Moon lover’s! (Don’t judge me!). Well I have to admit Sailor Moon was one of the cartoons that got me into Japanese Anime as a kid. This group of short skirt wearing, butt-kicking girls was so hot to me for some reason. Maybe I was just a horny kid (no better as an adult). Who knows, but I was totally all about waking up to catch the show in the morning before school.


My favorite characters from the show were Jupiter, Venus, Tuxedo Mask, and of course Sailor Moon. I love how tough and strong Jupiter is, Venus is just as powerful and really pretty, Tuxedo Mask is just a superhero pimp, and Sailor - she just cracked me up and loved how she was gaga over Tuxedo. When they took it off of my local network I was devastated to say the least. I ended up buying a few of the Box Sets when I got into High School, but I eventually moved on to some other great Manga and Anime titles such as Akira (Classic!) Ninja Scroll and Vampire Hunter D.


Since the release of this series so much merchandise centered on the franchise has been created, from toys and DVD’s to purses and even make-up. They pretty much are as bad as Hello Kitty! (Note: There is nothing wrong with Hello Kitty either - if you can Bronie you can Kitty.) I always have wanted to get some Sailor Moon figures to add to my collection. So I surfed the net, searching for cool collectibles. Let me tell ya, I didn’t have to go far-- just type "Sailor Moon Toys 2014" into your search box and you will see what I mean.

I landed on a website called and let me tell you, if you need anything Sailor Moon themed, and I mean anything, this is the place to go besides our affiliates (EE has two full pages here!). I found Sailor Moon wands, figures, plushies, stationary, apparel, accessories & more. A few things stood out to me were the wands which looked extra cool and well-detailed and would be awesome for cos-play. The plush toys are cute - I imagine they are on the beds of every female Sailor Moon lover. (They would be on mine.) What stood out most to me were the figures. They’re a few different styles that I instantly fell in love with such as the Bandai Tamshii Nations Figurearts figures and the Super Rare Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary figures.


If you are into Sailor Moon and Anime like me then check out the above links to get just what you are looking for. I’m going to watch some Sailor Moon, eat some CoCo Puffs, and enjoy this chilly Saturday. Until next time hope you add some of this cool stuff to your collection. What are you waiting for -- Get Going!


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