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Postcards From A Collector: Find Out What It Means To Me

by Sal Rodriguez

I get no respect. No respect at all.” - Rodney Dangerfield

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I went to an art museum today – the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California. The museum houses what which was once the private collection of a successful businessman. I’ve been to The Getty Museum, which was also the private collection of a rich man (J Paul Getty). And these are but two examples of the top of the food chain of collectors – art collectors.

“Guys that collect action figures just don’t get laid.” Those are the words of a bottle collector, as he was being interviewed for the show ‘Extreme Collectors’. Yes, bottles - dug-up, discarded bottles. He thinks he’s better than an action figure collector. Never before have I seen such a crude accusation from anyone toward collectors. Let alone, from another collector. But I had to face reality – action figure collectors are the bottom of the collector food chain. Or so it seems…

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It’s probably the whole ‘toy’ thing. People think of you as infantile. They think we’re up late wearing onesies playing house with “dolls”. Even if that were the case..even if it were: would that be so horrible? Is it necessary to justify what I enjoy doing for fun, pleasure, escape, or whatever? Do you think Norton Simon’s wife ever said, “It’s me or the collection!”? No. I bet she didn’t.

It’s gotta be a money thing. If you’re rich, collecting is okay and acceptable. If you’re not rich, or especially if you’re just getting by, collecting is a problem or an issue. Just today, my girlfriend bought a BMW. Could I have bought a BMW too? Maybe. If I didn’t collect figures. I’ve probably spent no less than $250 per month collecting. So I drive a 2004 Toyota. Yes, I’d like a new car. But I’d also like the upcoming NECA 18” Alien figure. And damn it, one day I’m getting a ¼ scale Enterbay Bruce Lee figure!

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Speaking of cars, how about car collectors? If art collectors are #1, then car collectors must be #2, right? And who would you say is #3? I mean, you got art collectors and car collectors, so who's a close third? Shoe collectors? Jewelry collectors? Stamp collectors? Doll collectors? I guess none of those scream ‘wealth’ like art or cars. So is that the problem? People only respect collecting if they think you’re rich? Is it the materials involved? Plastic? Do they have something against plastic?

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Accepting one’s own collecting is a challenge in-and-of itself. Let alone having to feel like my collection is not as worthwhile or appreciated by other people, including other collectors. As a figure collector I have to stand strong and confident, unflinching, as I watch the accolades fall upon other collectors. But I’ll tell you this: figure collectors are way better than dead butterfly collectors.

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