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Pop! News: Interviews Pop! Addict Customs


by Nick Lucier

Today I sat down with fellow reporter, and customizer Lennon George, to ask him a few questions about his custom pieces, as well as past and future customs and ideas he has.

Me: "How many custom pieces have you made so far?"

Lennon: "About twenty."

Me: "What would you say your most complex one is?"

Lennon: "Hmmm... I would have to say it was my Punisher custom or my latest piece Moon Knight."

moon knight.jpg

Me: "How many hours do you usually spend on the easier customs, how many hours on your most complex ones?"

Lennon: "I can finish a simple repaint in about 24 hrs. The more complex pieces can take anywhere between 3 to 5 days. It really depends on how much detail my clients want or what I may want to do. I always want to improve on my customs, so even when I'm finished in my head I'm saying I'm not done I can do this and this"

Me: "That is very impressive, have you ever thought about making a tips video, or maybe a video of you making the custom?"

Lennon: "Yeah, but I'm not sure I want to at this time. They would be good to help others out and give them a look at what I do, but not sure how well it will go over. I'm not that good yet."

Me: "What is your usually price for a custom?"

Lennon: "$50 to $60 minimum. If I have to do a lot of sculpting then I charge more. I always have a hard time pricing customs cause I know people always afford expensive customs or they don't want to spend the money on an unofficial piece. So I try to keep them at a decent price."

Me: "Sounds like a fair price for a custom piece, Have you only done Funko Pops?"

Lennon: "I have done other customs. I started out doing Skylanders customs then stepped up to Pops! I plan to start doing Disney Infinity and Amiibo Figures as well as other Vinyl toys. I'm actually starting on KidRobot DIY Trikki. First time doing one of those."

disney infinity.jpg

Me: "What do you think your next project will be?"

Lennon: "I'm working on it now. A blue, gold and silver Boba Fett. I'm also doing some other customs for a giveaway.

After that I think I'm going to do an Earth 2 Flash and two more Moon Knights both different from the one I previously have done."

Me: "With the new releases coming up will you do something with the minis or other pieces?"

Lennon: "Not yet but I'm sure something will come to me. I plan on doing something with the Vixen line though."

Me: "I am excited for that line as well, I can't wait to see what you have planned"

Lennon: "Me too, I hope it does as well as the DC Bombshell line."

Me: "When you do your customs what tools do you use?"

Lennon: "Pretty much just good brushes and sculpting tools. I also use a drill and X-Acto knife. I want to get a dremel, and an airbrush machine but I have to crawl before I walk. My goal is to get a good 3D printer and start doing my own toys."

Me: "That is a very cool idea that you have with the 3D printer."

Lennon: "I have seen a few others do it already, I have a few ideas." (insert evil laugh.)

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Lennon works very hard on his pieces, he makes sure he takes his time to make sure everything is done right to his own expectations, and if not he makes sure to change whatever needs to be changed. If you are thinking of a custom piece to be made I would recommend him (find him on Facebook). He is a great and easy person to talk and work with.

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