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ToyMan: G.I. Joe @ 50 - Past, Present, Future



The Original: 50+ years! In 1964, Hasbro embarked on production of a toy line that would withstand the test of time for the next 50+ years known as G.I. Joe (Government Issued Joe) The original 12 inch clothed figures captured the hearts of millions of children across the nation despite premiering during an integral time of both unrest and enlightenment for America.


Gun blast from the past - A mint condition original figure (1964)

Now in 2015 The Real American Hero has a "Kung Fu Grip" on every facet of fandom from an endless list of toy collections and cartoon incarnations to video games and exclusive comics, plus big budget movies and loads of other merchandise. Hasbro's canon franchise is only rivaled by competitors such as Mattel's Barbie in terms of longevity in the toy manufacturing industry.


Latest/Greatest: 50th anniversary "The Eagles Edge" 3 pack

From Left: Leather Neck (U.S.M.C. Infantry); Destro (weapons specialist); General Hawk (lead commanding officer)

My Generation: After the the 12 inch era faded out in the late 70's, Hasbro took a short break in its production while the toy industry took a turn into greatness, thanks mainly in part to George Lucas. Yes believe it or not, Hasbro's development of the 80's 3.75 inch toy line associated with the cartoon was greatly inspired by the success of Kenner's Star Wars 1st generation action figures.


Top Brass: Commissioned Officers

Left - General Hawk 1986 series 5 100% - 9.0; Right - Warrant Officer Flint 1985 series 4 100% - 8.7

Picture: Michael Paul

At the same time, Larry Hama at Marvel was working on a comic title for the son of Nick Fury, but was recruited for the revival project and agreed to develop content for the Hasbro franchise instead. With a revived toy line plus coinciding comics and cartoons in hand, it was at this point that the G.I. Joe universe truly began to gain the unstoppable momentum it holds today.


Battle Ready: Comic 3 pack set #24

From Left: Destro (weapons designer) 100%-9.9;

Roadblock (heavy artillery) 100%-9.9; 1st SGT. Duke Hauser (infantry commander) 100%-9.9

Picture: Michael Paul

Many say it was the creation of Cobra (which has a striking resemblance to Marvel's Hydra......are you seeing the connection now?) that completed the epic concoction necessary for its current popularity. Looking back on it now with all the research and evidence in front of me, I can agree we have much more to thank from Larry Hama and George Lucas then we realized prior.


A 33 year rivalry: An Arch enemies pairing from the 25th anniversary of the cartoon & 3.75 toy line (2008)

From Left: 1st SGT. Duke Hauser (Tiger Force fatigues); Cowled Cobra Commander (full regalia, blue)

Picture: Michael Paul

Ideas Gone Wild: Just about anyone I knew who played with G.I Joes can't say they never re-arranged at least one or two of them when they were a kid. Today's customized toy crafting may have been inspired by such actions, but it's come a long way from the routine loosening of a screw and switching heads on figures.



Cobra Commander, Zartan & Duke converted from Masters of the Universe: 8.0 rating

Picture: Aaron Hickman

Detailed painting, supplementing other toys and accessories plus fabricating pieces and backgrounds has taken creative collectors to new heights. Many people customize them into characters from other universes to fill gaps and to complete model pictures and displays.


Action Figure Art

SGT. Slaughter punching a Cobra Trooper - 9.9 rating for artistic value/photography

Picture: A.J. Solo

Several agree that G.I.Joe is the pinnacle of toy collecting at its finest and with the claws of customization deep in its flesh, the artistic options are now limitless.


Patrol Duty

A customized 5 man team of Cobra commandos scouting the grasslands. 9.2 rating

Picture: Michael Paul

Marching Forward: Pop culture has always ran parallel to worldly issues, whether we realize it or not. Comics made a huge change in content during the 50's after WWII ended. Then again when the Cold War started and so on and so forth.

Shop G.I. Joe: Entertainment Earth + Amazon

Now with the threat of dwindling patriotism and possibly more trying times ahead for America, will G.I.Joe lose its luster for children in the future or step up to the plate? I believe they will rise to the occasion just like many other franchises have done in the past. No matter what particular beliefs you hold dear, if you have an appreciation for the Red, White, and Blue then you have a place in your heart for G.I. Joe, a Real American Hero.

Keep collecting, the ToyMan


An Enemy of Freedom

Modern remake of classic Cobra Commander in traditional battle fatigues, helmet from series #24: 100%

Picture: Michael Paul

  • In between traveling daily as a logistics coordinator, Michael Paul keeps a sharp eye for local toy stores and flea markets. Comics, fantasy and sci-fi are the main drive for this action figure fanatic. Follow him and his toy collecting adventures now!

  • A special thanks to the members of A.F.A./ Hobbies: LEGACY SERIES on Facebook, Le Joute Toys inc. and More Fun Comics.

  • Sources:,,,

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