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Games People Play: Borderlands - The Handsome Collection


Were you were able to hear my high pitched girlie scream? If you did, you may have reacted like my dog by howling wildly before slamming her head under the couch. Yes, I am that excited! This article may come off sounding like a super shameless plug for you to get off of your badonkadonk and purchase this heaping pile of awesomeness, and you know what, I am not going to apologize for it! 2K Games and Gearbox Software have pretty much created the most awesome series out there and you need to be playing this!!


The Borderlands series is the genetically engineered test-tube baby of a first person shooter and role playing game. This baby was born with all the right attributes to make a freaking epic experience! Pick your character type, level up by killing every last baddie in the room, gain in super-colossal phenomenal cosmic powers (also know as a skill tree), find crazy amounts of weapons with crazy abilities and basically run around a planet doing side missions and/or story missions while trying to collect as much loot as possible! The game play is stylistic, challenging, and just an all around great time. I have all of the characters from Borderlands 2 maxed out already (additional girlie scream)!


The chocolate extra sugar coated icing on this freak show of a cake is the characters themselves. The witty dialogue, the character interactions, and general appearance of them just make you smile! I can say with out a doubt that I am gaga for Tiny Tina. As your child explosive expert, she makes your heart literally go boom! Each character is unique and helps shape what starts out as a general idea of a game into a carefully woven story that intrigues and delights from Borderlands 1, to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, to Borderlands 2.


I could sit here and list out every ounce of goodness that comes within the Handsome Collection, but I would have a list about 50 items long, way boring to read. So in summary I will just say it like this. For just under 60 bucks you’re getting two full games remastered for HD sexiness (Borderlands: The Pre Sequel and Borderlands 2), all campaign add-ons with their level cap upgrades (holla!), multiple assorted combat arenas, the add on characters Gage and Kreig, and a butt stallion load of character customization packs! I am sure that most of you are aware that you can play four player co-op with this game, as well as move all of your old data into the next gen, but did you know that new to this edition is the ability to play four player couch co-op! Are you as excited as I am! As if that wasn’t enough to make you pee a little, here is where the real star of the show shines.


The character of characters in this game is my buddy Claptrap! He is absolutely one of my favorite video-game characters in all video game history. If you were lucky enough to get the Claptrap-In-A-Box edition, you will get a remote controlled Claptrap (extra high pitched girlie scream, head explodes)! You’ll get lithographs and stuff too, but Claptrap!! He rolls around the floor perfectly balanced! He has super cool catchphrases! He is controlled by the Claptrapp (an app) on your phone or tablet! He is perfection for the collector and a must have. Just watch this and tell me you're not in love and want to have like 10,000 of his babies!

So there you have it kids! An incredible collection is headed your way for your next gen consoles. You get two games with an obscene amount of DLC. Lucky kids will wake up on 03/24/15 with their very own Claptrap buddy. This is pure heaven. I cannot emit anymore high pitched screams than I already have. Seriously, I can’t. My dog has run away, everything glass in the house has shattered, and my ears are bleeding. For this series though, totally worth it. Now to find me one of those Claptraps…Get it now for 3/24!

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