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Hopping Ghosts by Osaka Popstar


The figure that just floated in has incredibly big bulbous eyes, pale cool blue flesh and a cloak that says "I'm melting.....!" Though this guy ain't going into oblivion just yet, as he's probably been there and back. You see, in Chinese a jiangshi is a zombie, or vampire. This is Osaka Popstar's brand-new Hopping Ghost™ (Blue Edition). With subtle nods to Disney and folklore this flat-bottomed guy literally has a floating feel, as if he is sleep-creep walking, fangs extended.



The figure is really nicely sculpted, 360°, and the contrasting colors really have a clean pop to them. The concept for this figure may originate from the ancient Qing (or Manchu, as in "Fu") dynasty (1644–1911) but clearly the designers have kept it extremely modern and animated! Take a look at the video to fill in more of those blanks....

It's impressive that a vinyl figure has it's own tune - and it's got a catchy, almost Halloween sorta theme. Yep, it comes with a slip complete with a download code with a full version of the pop track, an instrumental and an animated promo video. We haven't seen this done before - so as big music fans, we love the dovetail there! In fact, the people behind-the-scenes have strong ties to the one and only original American garage band, and true punks, The Ramones. So you can see where this innovative and spirited style in bringing this to life came from.


As mentioned, last year we saw our glimpses of this character in vinyl form, from Funko Asia, but we have to say that this here figure goes one (maybe mo') better in interpreting the mythology! There also is more to the story than meets the eye - and we will keep you posted as a subsidiary story develops. The statuesque figure has a powerful, immediate presence in its trance-like state. The paint job, like with many vinyls is the only slightly, and I mean slight critical area. There were a few very minor places where the black and blue were a bit shaky behind the ear - but these are hand-done, and as to be expected. Otherwise this is overall pretty darn flawless in all regards.


The figure comes with one additional "accessory" - a magnetized scroll that can be attached to the figure's hat. As you can see it comes with an exquisitely painted candy cane striped pin and ornate script. I was curious about the scroll...Wiki says: "They (Jiangshi) are depicted in popular culture to have a mystical tag glued onto and hanging off the forehead in portrait orientation...characteristic of a Chinese official from during the Qing dynasty." Overall we highly rate this figure at 9/10. You can order yours directly through Osaka Popstar or Hopping Ghosts™. In the coming weeks there will be a, get this, Glow-In-The-Dark T-shirt (you might remember our love for such things...). Also keep your eyes peeled for related, and fun merch, like buttons and patches to fully round-out the experience of this intoxicating east-meets-west figure. Oh, wait, there's even more to the overall fun package here, on the Hi-Art app you will find animated emoticons for text messaging - I told you they've reinvented the old world!


Special thanks to Dov/DKE Soundtrack ©Caf Muzeck LLC

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