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reMasters Of The Universe: Retro Realities + Contest!


Sometimes some things have the power to just make you feel young again, if your friends and family could see you in those moments it is a real game changer. First off as an adult getting anything in the mail that’s not a bill is awesome but something in a big box is like wow!


Once it got to my place the box was half way open I had to call matty and give them some rage but the insides of the box was in good shape. After I got over the damage of the outer box I was able to turn off the adult in me and go back to the kid in me. Inside the mailing box was another box that had big letters that said He-Man and inside that box, when you opened it up it is the He-Man in the style that we had as a kid but this new He-Man is 12 inches tall.


The package is the same from the 1980's but bigger, it’s like saying as we grew in size our first He-Man figure grew with us. This He-Man has the same actuation as the first He-Man figure but it is bigger from head to toes. Some people say there is something wrong with his face, but I for one don’t see anything wrong with it. The figure still has a rubber band holding it together in it's waist, but this is a stronger rubber band. This I'm told will make the legs last longer than the older ones. The waist turning action makes for a huge power punch (yup that’s still a part of He-Man), and overall this figure is really bad ass.

They made so it's retro and it is, but it would have been cool to have a He-Man this size with bendable arms and legs. As a kid do you remember playing toys with your sisters or female cousins and Barbie came out and towered over He-Man? Now He-Man can play with the girl figures, and making a Prince Adam that size is easy. Bring on your nieces and daughters He-Man is ready for any Monster Hgh or Barbie figure!

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THREADLESS CONTEST: Holy Greyskull! Through April 7th....there is a contest for fans of He-Man which seeks fans to create an original t-shirt design with a He-Man/Masters of the Universe theme. The superteam at the offices of Threadless, purveyors of some of the coolest t's in the universe has kickstarted something that would make Skeletor blush! The contest looks like it will be a huge deal to fans and artist alike, and the prizes are amazing ($2K in cash, $500 Threadless Gift Card, MOTU Collectibles).

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