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Go Figure News Mystery Box Contest


SHHHHH, It's A Mystery: Hey there to our wonderful readers - a collective of collectors! We are embarking on our 3rd contest - and this time its pretty special! We are sending one (1) lucky winner a Big Mystery Box of cool action figure/s and related stuff. We'd like to thank Diamond Select Toys for very kindly contributing to the box! Please have a good look at their upcoming Marvel Select and Minimates releases among so much more. One lucky winner (U.S. only, unless you are willing to pay for shipping elsewhere) will be selected on 4/15. The box itself is values around $100 worth of goodies. Please freely share this contest with your friends, etc.


We are going to make this fun, especially for you social networking folks out there. And here are the basic rules:

  1. Follow Us on Twitter Bonus: Tweet this link about the contest + use #GOFN with a creative comment;

  2. Follow Us on Instagram;

  3. Like Us on Facebook Bonus: Post a picture of yourself w/your favorite vinyl or action figure on our pinned Facebook announcement;

  4. Subscribe to our YouTube channel;

  5. Your Unboxing Video: If you enter the contest you must agree in advance to make a short unboxing video of the mystery box received. This video must be uploaded to either your own YouTube or Vimeo (alternatively, if it's a small enough file you can also send us a .mov file and we can upload it for ya). Go Figure News will feature this unboxing on GO-TV in April.

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If you already do any of the above (1 through 4) you are automatically entered and eligible, but remember the bonuses! Now, please note, you do not have to follow all four steps, though the unboxing video is a requirement of the winner. NOTE: Each social network you connect with us will give you an extra entry - so you have the opportunity to earn up to six (6) total entries. We can't tell you what's inside the box, but we can say we have taken a very close look at a few of the items and anyone who collects the types of figures you have seen on the site will likely be happy-go-lucky....or you can always trade with your other collector friends!

What ya waiting for?

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