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Games People Play: Munchkin!


It all started with this little box right here…It's Munchkin!


I saw this box at a game store and immediately flashed back to my college days of another card game, Chez Geek! It was a nerdy collectible card game that we played for hours on end and had so much fun with. Of course, catching this bad boy out of the corner of my eye a few years ago, I immediately had to have it. Due to laws restricting me from buying things for myself in the month of December, (long story), I began actively threatening loved ones so that I was ensured that this was under the tree for Christmas. I then quickly began introducing this game to my friends who, like me, immediately fell in love with the game. Munchkin (Steve Jackson Games) even melted the RPG hating heart of one of my friends so much that he now owns five different sets!


The game is incredibly fun to play, mostly because its all about you and how you want to play. You are the character. Draw your cards and play your hand. Make yourself into any type of character with any armor and weapons you can find in the deck. Defeat monsters, collect treasures, and level up to win. It is pretty simple to learn, and the only trick lies in reading the cards to learn what they do and how they can interact with other cards. The twisted fun in this game, however, is that not only can you help your friends and share in rewards, but you can also screw them over and take their stuff! You can build alliances, share cards with some, trade cards with others, cheat, offer to help one friend while hurting another, curse them etc... the list goes on and on.

Wars have broken out at my house, friendships destroyed, relationships shattered, children‘s tears shed, apocalypse seals broken, and lives lost (okay I am being a little dramatic). Is Munchkin to blame? Not necessarily. Its usually because someone makes a bonehead move, or because a certain someone in my circle takes practically any deal he’s given and winds up screwing over the entire table after we have yelled at him not to do it (yes Wayne, I’m talking about you!) See, fun.


I cannot write this article without talking about how enjoyable the cards themselves are. The artwork on the cards is by John Kovalic and they are absolutely hysterical. They are cute and fun with a hint of naughty badassery! The names of the weapons and armor are a crack up as well. Most of the cards even link back to some nerdy reference that at least one person at the table understands and chuckles over. I pulled some cards from my Munchkin set just to show you what kind of crazy character you could have and the type of villains you could be fighting. The dice are just one of the many extra collectible pieces I picked up for use in the game. Do you need them to play the game? No. Is your game play better for it? Absolutely.


I love having people sitting around my table, all laughing and having a good time with Munchkin. It’s a great social game that doesn’t take itself too seriously, (although it can), and can lead to some super fun arguments, (unless your playing with Wayne, he‘s “special“). If you go to you will find deluxe sets with boards, collectibles, and over 15 versions with expansions! Upon seeing them all I began my quest to be a Munchkin maniac! Every year at San Diego Comic-Con, I visit the Steve Jackson booth and go crazy. I will be doing so again this year to add to my amazing collection (I coming for you Sheep Impact). All of the sets I have currently have all of their expansions, so I think its time to branch out into new territory. Perhaps Munchkin Cthulhu? I don’t know but over the last 4 years it has lead to this…


This is the Exclusive Doppel Spyke with Card Vinyl Figure (Made by Funko). The figure comes in a window box, similar to all Funko Pop figures - however, the sculpt makes it quite different, and specific to the game. Complete with tusked helmet and chainsaw, this guy also sports his funny Adidas-esque shoes and a wide grin. "Or-B-Gone" is clearly emblazoned on his weapon of choice. The likeness to the character in the game is spot-on, and his head has a complete 360° twist articulation. The various mocha colorations are painted well and the sculpt is strong, looking more like Funko's new Vinyl Sugar figures than anything other they've released. The figure is featured moreso for gamers than for Funko collectors - even though the company does have a gaming line including Assassin's Creed, Borderlands, Evolve, Diablo, Magic, Mass Effect and others. He also came with a bookmark. The toy can be used as part of the game. For now, he will be a nice desk mascot for a while.


Shameless Selfie (sorta)

And it all started with one little box… You should get one… Just get one… It’s all you need…Take a look at all the fun stuff from Munchkin at Entertainment Earth and at our local haunt, Common Ground Games!

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