When I started GOFN the main focus was "the figure" strictly...only action figures and vinyl collectibles. Guess I got soft on the subject, literally as seen here. Well, the folks at I Heart Guts gave me good reason. Where does a fun collectible plushie with an educational purpose merge with one that makes you smile with a wide and wild grin simultaneously? Ya see, they make plush organs.

We are talking about innards, parts of the body they we mostly cannot see without an x-ray or scope of some sort. The instant excitement that I had for these on paper translated easily once they arrived wrapped in a plastic bag and all stuffed in a box so colorfully! I have four to talk about....

IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN: "All you need is lobe" is how it's billed - and we love this organ over all others, because its probably the most used here at Go Figure. Not only that, it comes in a cool turquoise and slightly resembles a whale. The shape created by the stitching is fanciful and fun/ny. The organ for thought, so complex, it keeps us in check and delivers us to and from evil regularly. That said- it's all gray matter to me, badumboomp!

I really can't tell you if it's softer and squishier than the real thing - but I can say that this is something pretty velvety - like a smart stuffed animal. And my guess is kids, even the lil' ones will dig it. Here's it's profile and surface coat.

Next up is definitely the funniest in the whole batch, a cross section of skin and it's under layers (dermal, etc.). I'll not soon forget an aesthetician in training once teaching me about the many layers. And yes, we are like snakes - what do you think dust is my friends! :)

The bodies largest organ by far is so sweetly animated here - the contrasting red/pinks make way for the sweat glands and protect us from much that's bad in the environment. Love and tend to your skin daily, though you will have new layers as time goes. It's "the body's air conditioner" And a lil' old fashioned biology goes a long way here - a smart cube that says so much.

Lastly and most certainly not leastly, is the organ that represents love, and keeps us alive and kicking daily, le heart! These plushies, in general, have lots of that going on. Though here we have a sweet pair (and I am glad they deliver them in reverse, in terms of face placement. The red version is bright showing its delivery spouts (arteries) which basically are the hard working vessels that help us deliver blood throughout our extremities.

Back-to-front it's tough and muscular, the "s/he-man" inside each and every one of us. The golden version is some wacky wonderful combination of all that's disco and all that's sacred combined. How can you not fall for this one. In l♥ve!

I Heart Guts makes pins, t-shirts, magnets - a whole slew of things ffrom the inside to wear on the out. Though they won't wear you out - these are outrageous fun.