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Introducing Heroine: The Ladies Are Alive + Kicking!


Firstly, I just want to say that this column is dedicated to heroines in the geeky world - comics, TV, film, figures etc. - and I will be focused on characters like the women from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Summer, Inara and Kaylee from Firefly, Cordelia and Fred from Angel, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline and Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time, superheroes and a lot more.


I have a HUGE collection of Buffy and Angel items and this first article is about my all time number one gal - Eliza Dushku - and focusing on a prototype carded figure of Sanctuary Faith from Buffy/Angel, which took me a very long time to acquire and I am immensely proud of (even if it does have a couple of the usual prototype flaws).


This figure was based on the Angel episode "Sanctuary" from season 1 and features the figure itself, a gun, a knife and a crossbow. The badass rogue slayer takes herself off to LA after escaping Sunnydale only to be taken into the arms of Wolfram & Hart; offering a fair amount of money for the assassination of Angel, only to have it fail when Angel attempts to redeem Faith from her violent streak (but not before she tortures Wesley as she did Giles back in Sunnydale).


This figure does have a couple of the usual prototype flaws however, the excess eye liner around the eyes and the slight bleeding of the paint of her tattoo but I'm sure these would have been worked out had the figure been made for production.


I do hope that this figure will become mass produced and not just because of how much I love Faith (and Eliza) but I do think it will be a great figure and deserves to be in every Buffy/Angel fan's collection." If you are looking for interesting collectables from the Buffy series you can have a peek here...and please stay tuned for another installment next week!

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