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Bots + Monsters: May The Fourth Be With You Boba Fett Holiday Special



Star Wars has been a staple in pop-culture since the seventies. What George Lucas thought to be a fun “Flash Gordon” knock off has become well over a household name and has made (with the help of Kenner) the toy industry what it is today. As a child I have fond memories of playing with my old kenner “Star Wars” figures and yes even a few Hasbro ones. However one figure was always my favorite more so than any other. Enter Boba Fett the intergalactic equivalent of Clint Eastwood with better gadgets than Bond. I still to this day hunt Boba Fett figures as efficiently as he would fictionally hunt Han Solo. Going as far to briefly befriend the actor Jeremy Bulloch and being his personal photographer for about two hours at a convention about six years back. My two year old may prefer Darth Vader are the wookie warrior Chewbacca but you best believe he knows who Fett is. After all is that not the true magic of toys? We as adults admire the detail and re-live nostalgia whilst the younger can make new memories of what we hold dear.


Happy National Star Wars Day!



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