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Sunday Bloody Funday: Freddy’s Revenge!!


Well, like all good sequels, “I’m back!” Which is the perfect tag line for the figure I’m going to review today. I’m reviewing the NECA retro Freddy Krueger 8” figure from A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge.

The packaging the figure comes in is the standard NECA clam shell package that they have claimed is resealable. As usual it is not. In fact, you really have to go at with a pair of scissors to open it up. The card art behind the figure is one of the best so far. It was drawn by Nathan Thomas Milliner who is a featured artist at Horrorhound Magazine.


Let’s jump right in to what we all came here for, the figure. The figure is the standard 8” figure with 14 points of articulation. It comes with 3 accessories which are an extra glove hand, hat, and extra head. It is clothed in Freddy’s traditional red and green sweater and charcoal pants. Both the pants and the sweater fit the figure correctly and don’t look too big or too small on him. It has great posability and is able to stand unassisted which is always a plus with action figures. The joints are very tight on it which helps him to achieve some great poses.


Now, here is where this figure really shines, the details and sculpt. This figure compared to the releases last year is leaps and bounds ahead of them. The two head sculpts are very detailed and the sculpt really shines through with the perfect paint application. Both heads are spot on to Freddy and one is with a scowl on his face and the other has the mouth open like he is yelling. The yelling head sculpt has part of his brain exposed like in the film when he pulls open his skull. The hat he comes with is well sculpted and fits both heads how it should. The sculpt is very good with attention to nicks and cuts in the hat just like the hat used in the movie. That brings us to the two claw hands. One hand is sculpted with the blades just coming out of the finger tips just like in the movie when Freddy emerges from his host to enter the real world. The sculpt is very clear and the paint apps don’t wash out any of the details of the burns on his hand. The second hand is his traditional glove hand. The sculpt and paint on this really shine because the details are crisp and the paint apps are correct to really give the illusion of metal.


I think this is NECA’s best retro 8” to date. He really is sculpted well and looks exactly how he looked on screen. The sculpting and the paint apps on this figure and his accessories really jump out at you and draw you in to just look for more on him. The card art that comes on the backer is very well done and shows that NECA really puts a lot of work into these figures by commissioning artists to do the card art. The only drawback that I have with this figure is his clam shell. It would be so much better if you could put him back in the package after looking at him because this figure really needs to come out of his package to truly appreciate it. With that said I would give this figure 9 out 10 nightmares. If the packaging issue wasn’t there it would easily be a 10 out of 10.


If you would like more information on the figure or where to buy head on over to The figure is available online from a multiple array of vendors and in some brick and mortar stores like Toys R Us and F.Y.E. Thanks for reading and tune in two weeks for my next review.

FURTHER READING/WATCHING: If you enjoyed this review, check out the last time we looked at a NECA Freddy Krueger figure.

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