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Westeros Weekly VIII: House Targaryen

A Memorial for Maester Aemon and the Debate over Dany's Climb to Madness

SECTION 1 : The Realm Reviewed

S5E7 - the Gift by Meera Reed (T.J. Rhoads) and Lucifer Lang (M. Paul)

Lucifer - There's only 3 episodes left this season now and things are forming into a whirlwind of revelations and insurmountable problems. A natural death, a young woman in trouble, a King on a deadly journey through the snow and a narcissist is finally getting some long awaited blowback. How would you recap this past episode?

Meera - Winter is coming, and at The Wall it came for MAESTER AEMON this week. He was 102 years old, the brother of a king and a Maester of the Citadel, chained and sworn, and a man of The Watch. He was one of my favorite people in the books and on the show, and now his watch is done. (Read more in section 3)

The LORD COMMANDER left for HARDHOME, with TORMUND GIANTSBANE, and a small group of men. He left SAM TARLY behind and he left GHOST behind which is strange because that direwolf goes everywhere with JON, but he saved SAM'S bacon this week..and hey! SAM got laid!

Note - the almost rape of GILLY, did we need that?

Lucifer - No, we probably didn't need that sequence but I'm shocked we can say we saw Ghost at all this season. He's been pretty much non existent till now. Maybe D & D were on budget that week and could afford it? I don't know, let's continue!

Meera - SANSA went to THEON for help after rejecting him in every way possible, she shouldn't have been surprised when he betrayed her. He is Reek, after all, a man so completely broken he no longer answers to his old name.

PETYR BAELISH is making the most of his time im the capital, first helping CERSEI ruin the TYRELLS, which had an unexpected side effect on his businesses. Now it's payback time..and Lady Olenna is the perfect person to help him with that, they did kill a king together, and we're all greatful for that.

CERSEI never saw that one coming, she was so busy enjoying herself she never heard the HIGH SPARROW'S words, not really. All must pay for their sins. Gloating is a minor sin, but cheating on your husband with your cousin?

When the Septa grabbed CERSEI an old CERSEI came back screaming, "I am the Queen," I was so happy! Poor KING TOMMY, what will he do now? Who will run the Seven Kingdoms?

Lucifer - I was thrilled to see her arrested too! The chill pill popping Queen Mother just got a major buzz kill and I ate every bit of it with a spoon and a smile.

Meera - STANNIS is stuck in the Snow, the horses are dying, his men are freezing, the STORMCROWS have deserted and gone back to their original storyline in MEREEN, and now he turns to MELISANDRE for help and her answer is "Let me burn your daughter." His response is a big, "Hell No!"

In this departure from the books, the queen and SHIREEN and MELISANDRE all stayed at The Wall, but STANNIS' march and its hardships are very true to the story. He has to go and he must win this fight, no matter the cost. His men are facing blizzard conditions, the horses are dying by the hundreds, the men by the thousands, freezing to death as they march three hundred miles to Winterfell, because winning the war is all STANNIS has left.

Lucifer - I agree, he truly has no other choice but to press forward no matter what the cost...except for a dead daughter, of course.

Meera - Ser JORAH and TYRION'S road trip is over and I'm so glad. Here's what you missed. The road to Volantis, the river Rhoyne, giant turtles, Aegon vs Targaryen, white dwarf elephants, Penny,s lave ships, Mother, The Seige of Mereen, The Pale Mare, The Yellow Whale, The trebuchets, Jorah slave mark.. #ReadTheBook!

Lucifer - Yes, about half a books worth of story plot equalling to 8-12 months of travel is now completely piss in the wind. I would had loved to seen their interpretation on the sickly and diseased slave master with his oozing sores and ghastly coughs...oh well! #thanksfortheletdownGOT

Meera - And I have one thing to say about our lovely many times must she remind us that she is a queen? So far this season she has said..

I am not a slaver

I am not a butcher

I am not a politician,


Somebody please write her a new line.

SECTION 2: Collecting Westeros

Two of a kind - Dany then and now by Lucifer Lang (M. Paul)

The Mother of Dragons is a very special character in the World of Ice and Fire and dear to many fans hearts. From young innocent girl to dragon riding Queen, her journey is captivating in both the books and the series. Today we will take a look at a pair of Action Figures made by Funko for their Legacy series modeled after Emillia Clarke's portrayal of the iconic Khaleesi.

Daenerys is the only character in the original set of 12 that has two different figures separately numbered. The first figure is numbered 5 of 12 series 1 is her in the Dothraki hides and leathers outfit with baby dragon. The second figure is numbered 12 of 12 series 2 is her in the well recognized blue dress during her stay in Yunkai and is equipped with the Unsullied Whip. Dany has came a long way from the naive little girl she once was to the vengeful ruler she has become as of lately.

Both very important pivotal moments in the story development of her current station in life, these figures are well selected incarnations worth collecting. Being the only character with 2 separately numbered figures indeed says a lot in regards to ones popularity and importance to a story. The color pallet for the packaging is very pleasing to the eye with the Targaryen deep red and black as well.

A necessary pair of figures for Game of Thrones collectors of any level. If you don't have this pair already, be sure to search your local toy stores and online resources such as this website to find yours today. Westeros is large and vast, keep collecting!

SECTION 3 : Hall of the Dead

A Memorial to Maester Aemon by Meera Reed (T.J. Rhoads) and Lucifer Lang (M. Paul)

Another sad Hall of the Dead this week with the passing of Maester Aemon Targaryen. We had a feeling similar to seeing Yoda dying the first time in Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi. A great man to be remembered and one of very few to not die by the way of steel. Westeros Weekly thanks Peter Vaughan for brilliantly portraying this beloved character with class and ample respect for the original entity. We will honor and memorialize him greatly in this obituary.

This the Hall of the Dead. Pay your respects to the fallen of Season 5. These are the men and women who have gone to meet their gods.

* - Named character

^ - Supporting role/extra

Valar Morghulis -

S5E1 - S5E6

* White Rat

* Mance Rayder

^ Sons of the Harpy agent

* Mossador

^ Braavosi peasant

* Janos Slynt

^ Brothel Patron

^ 4 Dornish Knights

^ Sea Captain

^ 10 - 12 Unsullied

^ 16 - 24 Sons of the Harpy

^ 3 - 5 Second Sons

* Ser Barristan Selmy

^ Mereen Master

^ 3 - 5 Stonemen

^ Braavosi young female


* Maester Aemon Targaryen

Aemon Targaryen was the third son of King Maekar I Targaryen. Because he loved books and his father had many sons, he was allowed to go to The Citadel as a boy. His older brothers died while he forged his chain, and when his father died the Great Council quietly offered the crown to Aemon first, saying he could renounce his vows, but he refused and the crown passed to his brother Aegon IV, known as Aegon the Unlikely.

In the year 233, when the Kings Hand, Brynden Rivers, also known as Bloodraven, was sent to The Wall for murdering Aenys Blackfyre, Maester Aemon accompanied him, along with Rivers' own personal guard, some 200 archers, all of them to take the Black.

There he stayed to serve the Night's Watch for the next 69 years, until his death at the age of 102. He witnessed it's decline, from a place where Lords and their sons and Knights gave honourable service after war, to a midden heap where the realm dumped the worst of its criminals.

He served a dozen Lord Commanders, and he never failed to do his duty.

"And now his watch is ended".

* Total deaths for Season 5 so far - (Grand total estimated) 51 - 57

(P.O.V. total) 06

Valar Dohaeris -

SECTION 4: Discussing the Realm

The Mad Queen of Mereen-

This weeks topic of discussion comes to us from Asshai the Red Priestess. Now that Tyrion and Jorah have successfully made it to the Queens presence what will transpire next?

Asshai's fiery R'hllor prediction -

Jorah and Tyrion will face Daenerys, she doesn't want to hear anything Jorah has to say, Daario backs her up. Tyrion steps in and reminds her of Jorah's knowledge of Westeros and how he could be of help. Not convinced, she sentences Jorah to death, he then reveals his grayscale and begs her let him fight for his death she agrees to let him fight in the pits.

Meera's Weirwood vision of knowledge -

TYRION was hand of one king, he needs to be hand of the Queen. He knows more about ruling than DAENERYS, and he might be able counsel her where others have failed. As for SER JORAH, her hatred for him is justified, but a slow death from greyscale might allow him to be useful. We will see again that DANY is becoming the Mad Queen.

We hope this topic has generated an involved discussion between you and your World of Ice and Fire friends, we will reconvene next week and see who has more clairvoyance, the Old Gods or the Lord of Light. Thanks for Reading, please enjoy and share!

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