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Arcade Block: Under the Hood

Nerd Block has wonderfully grown and diversified to now include Arcade Block (and others) and this was our first time to look under the hood at what is included in this variation. This time out we hosted a contest sponsored by Nerd Block and our winner, Rob Jones, did an unboxing which we will include here as well.

As you will first notice when this monthly subscription arrives on your doorstep, it has the look and feel of a cool old-skool quasi-Nintendo set-up. It adds to the overall fun experience of receiving the package - not some plain old brown cardboard. And this month has some heft to it....So let's plug this sucka in!

First up is a 3D sticker from Kick Punch so you can get your karaoke on! This Playstation spin-off item is nice as magnets go, especially if you like to get on the mic and let them have it! Colorful and shaped nicely - it's already on the fridge folks!

Blue Shells first appeared in Super Mario World and are worn by Koopa Troopas. This is your typical "Baby on Board" car window signage with a perfect twist. You are sure to get a double-take from oncoming motorists with this one. This is exclusive to Nerd Block. They do that! ;)

Next up is an olive green one-size-fits-all (it fit me!) FoxHound/Special Forces military cap. It has proper adjustments and elasticity. Perfectly inconspicuous for fans of Metal Gear Solid - hopefully you saw our very recent review of Snake (Gecco)! This is a quality hat and a very nice addition to the box.

OK, so there's a small cardboard box, and inside it's a glass jar (for secrets? candies? broken hearts?). This harkens to the popular Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda. Did you see our recent Bots + Monsters piece? The rubber stopper is solid and it's a nice oddity - non-playing friends will surely be curious. It's not really big enough to put out for parties, but you could probably use this for holding milk for your morning tea?

OMG. A double. Well, for me that is. This same figure of The Grand Wizard came in another box somewhat recently, though individual Arcade Block boxes will include any from the five in the South Park / The Stick of Truth (Xbox, PS3) series. This is actually the coolest one of all - so I have something to trade! The figure measures about 3" tall and comes fromt he minds and makers at Kidrobot.

Lastly it's the t-shirt (every box contains one from their affiliate Shirt Punch). This is a quality cotton t and here it features Final Fantasy guys - the octopus is Ultros from Final Fantasy VI and the other fireball is Ultros (moogle?). "Creature Select" will be worn by this Publisher, for sure. It's bright and colorful and immediate. GOFN covered Heavensward in case you missed it. What did Rob (w/a lil' help from some of his friends) think?......

All-in-all, for our first Arcade Block ever, this is a total win-win. We'd rate it around 8.5 of 10 for quality and creativity. Part of the fun is the mystery, and this one, for a lapsed gamer, was quite a thrill.

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