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Pop News: Holy Batman, Batman!

Hello again from the Frozen Tundra that is Canada. This week is retro week and I wanted to focus on Batman. He's 75 years young this year and I figured I'd do a look back at a progression of Bats in Pop! format.

It all started with the 2010 SDCC exclusive Blue and Grey Batman in a hard plastic clamshell casing (Funko Force). Then came The Batman everyone had a chance to purchase with Batman 01 released in 2011. Old Bats had the Grey and Black suit and yellow Bat belt. This was supposed to be sold as a Target store exclusive, but they had backed out. The Batman Funko Pop! figures have changed quite a bit since he first came on the scene in 2011. While the core design of Batman has stayed true to the original there's been many different incarnations of him. There's been a Joker Batman mash up (that was a Loot Crate exclusive), White Lantern Batman (Fugitive Toys exclusive) to even a Blackest Night Batman.

The 1966 Batmobile was even released with Batman at the helm. This is actually one of my favorites out of the whole lot. I enjoy this one the most because of the great detail and design that was put into this figure set. I'm also very partial to the 1966 Batman as it was my first taste of this super hero. Batman was even released as a Funko Pop! speaker. I have no idea how well it sounded, But I have a feeling not many collectors took this one out of the box.

There's also two Batman figures I'd really like to see first hand The large 6" Batmans. From the pictures I've seen they're a must have. The unmasked Conan O'Brien Batman (another must have) shows a comic side to the Batman collection, Since we all know Conan's hair would never fit under the mask.

Since this year marks 75 years of celebrating the man in the Batsuit Funko also released a line of Batman in 6 different colored suits. These figures were released by the Entertainment Earth company and are exclusive to them.

DAWN OF JUSTICE: So after 75 years Batman is alive and well. He has a new movie coming out in 2016 with Superman, which means there was a SDCC Funko Pop! set featuring both heroes. What figures does the future hold? I hope we get to see Batman in a Batwing. I think I'd also enjoy a 1988 Batman movie Batman figure.

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Well here's to you Bats for making everyone all Batty for 75 years. Until next time....Later EH? - Canadian Chris.

P.S I'd like to give special thanks for use of pictures from Helen Smith (Special hello to Helen from TJ), Mark Flip, and Jake Daniel, Robert Cosme. Thanks again for the pictures of your collections of Batman.

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