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Baby Huey by Kozik from Kidrobot

On the heels of the recent viral "controversy" over The Interview one might think the proverbial ante couldn't get any more interesting over political satire, but here it is! And done with a real sense of tongue-in-cheek panache - after all - our govt. leaders are supposed to weather the debate no matter how rough the seas may get - and Frank Kozik has hit a hole-in-one by playing on a whole cadre of isms albeit in vinyl form. And this thing is well, an adorable crybaby. Hey, Warhol had his multi-colored Mao, and Kozik has his lil' crybaby dictator Jong-un!

BABY HUEY: Of course we have seen similar treatments of world leaders in art (and in action figures) for years - think NECA's Washington and Franklin within the Bioshock realm, think of Obama (Figures Toy Co, Jailbreak Toys), Bush (Talking Presidents Toys) and Clinton (Heroes in Action) - even Ghandi had one made in his visage! So, it makes sense to poke a little fun in our own time, but do so with a wryness that is courted by the incredibly quirky Kidrobot. And he comes in two colors - pink and blue of course - and we just got ours early/direct from the ravenous SDCC floor (thanks Dan B) and Mr. Kozik even signed it! These become available in stores for $65 on August 6th. You can also pre-order from Tenacious Toys!

The figure measures 8" tall with incredible detail as you can see here, and the crying baby sits in a small yellow splat while holding a golden skull/globe rattle in one tiny hand and a missile/bottle in the other. The figure comes complete with a colorful scalloped bonnet - all in one piece (the "pee" base is the only separate part). The sculpt couldn't be more spot-on, including the leader's signature 'fade' hairstyle. The onesie looks like a cross between baby pj's and something from Colonel Sanders. The color explodes on this figure and the expression is timeless, priceless ....

If you are a fan of the John Stewart Show you will need this one on your shelf. If you have a sense of humor or collect things that make you say hrrrmmmm, this will be perfectly geared for your finely tuned left-of-center sense of taste. If you just want a good laugh, take a closer look at some of the details:

Pretty In Pink: I even appreciate that it was signed with a colon on the butt, so it's hidden from public consumption like so many things in world leadership, cough. It's a thinking wo/man's collectible. And the cartoony yellow spill is perfectly apt to make your long hard day at the office much more enjoyable to come home to and gaze upon with hilarity. Baby Huey needs some adoptive parents stateside - so keep your eyes peeled for him to be unleashed next month!

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