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Honey They Shrunk My Hero: Darth Krayt

Presenting Darth Krayt - a unique character in the history of Star Wars because he will both remain canon in the Star Wars Universe, and disappear as well.

To the uninitiated, Darth Krayt is the former Jedi Master A’Sharad Hett, son of the legendary Jedi Knight Sharad Hett. A’Sharad Hett served in the Clone Wars, survived Order 66, and went home to Tatooine. While on Tatooine he plotted revenge against the Empire but encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi who did not want any attention brought to Tatooine. The two fought and A’Sharad Hett was exiled. He would become a fringe bounty hunter. Upon realizing that Anakin Skywalker, his friend - someone who he had helped overcome the grief of war - was Darth Vader, A’Sharad blamed himself for destruction of the Jedi. Eventually he ended up on the Sith Planet Korriban where he would receive training at the hands of the Sith Lord XoXaan.

A’Sharad was captured and tortured by the Yuuzhan Vong and he fell to the Dark Side. He took the name “Darth Krayt” and founded the One Sith movement – a Sith Organization that no longer followed the rule of two – rebuilding the Sith Empire on Korriban. Darth Krayt would see to the fall of the Galactic Federation, the destruction of Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Order, and the foundation of a new Galactic Empire under his rule.

Paranoia and a rumour that Cade Skywalker had used the force to stave off death, would lead to Darth Krayt’s pursuit of Luke Skywaker’s ancestor. Ironically Darth Krayt would meet his eventual demise at Cade Skywalker’s hands. A’Sharad Hett, Darth Krayt, was 185 years old at the time of his death - kept alive only by stasis, the Force, and sheer will.

Of course none of this is canon anymore past the Clone Wars.


FIRST: Aside from his very colourful history, I love his armor! A full set of Vonduun Skerr Kyrric – or Vonduun Crab Armor. Darth Krayt’s armor is regal, tough enough to resist lightsaber blows, and downright scary – though I’m not sure which is scarier: Darth Krayt with his helmet on or with his helmet off. I’m torn as to whether or not he should have a cape. A part of me thinks, yes, a part of me sees the Shredder.

SECOND: His lightsabers. Darth Krayt is a master of Jar’Kai – which means he likes to use two lightsabers at any one time. Darth Krayt’s blades are housed in a coral-like substance making them quite unique. When not in use, you can clip the hilts into a cross-formation on his back. Later on in his career, Darth Krayt would re-use his original lightsaber – which is (to my knowledge) the only produced lightsaber with decorative tassels.


  • Head is mounted on a ball joint

  • Ball jointed shoulders

  • Ball jointed elbows

  • Swivel wrists

  • Waist swivel

  • Swivel Legs at hips

  • Ball jointed knees

  • No foot articulation

BUYER/COLLECTORS RECOMMENDATION: If you are a fan of the Dark Horse Star Wars: Legacy comic book series, then as the primary villain in the series, this is the figure for you. If you aren’t, then because there aren’t that many Sith characters who have been made into action figures, Darth Krayt is a must have piece.

Darth Krayt comes as a part of a Star Wars: Legacy Collection 2-pack that includes a Dark Horse Comic Book and the Imperial Knight Sigel Dare. The 2-pack retails for around $100 USD nowadays and can be purchased here.

Darth Krayt and A'Sharad Hett

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