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D23: Marvel Panel

Worlds, Galaxies and Universes: Live Action at The Walt Disney Studios panel. The panel opened with a sizzle reel showing clips from Disney movies (including Marvel and Pixar) from the past, present and future. Alan Horn the Chairman, Walt Disney Studios came out and talked briefly about what this 2 hour panel will entail. He then said Marvel Studios will be the first panel, and introduced the President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige.

Kevin then talked about the Doctor Strange movie. He told the crowd Benedict Cumberbatch couldn't be here due to him being in a play, but Benedict did record a clip for D23. In the clip, Benedict said hi to the crowd. Since no filming has been done yet, they had no footage for us, but did have some concept art which then played while an audio track of what the movie will be about played. The clip ended with a VERY quick shot of Benedict as Doctor Strange.

Kevin came back out and started talking about Captain America: Civil War, and mentioned they have about 1 more week left in filming, in Germany. He then introduced Anthony Mackie (The Falcon/Sam Wilson) who in turn introduced Chris Evans (Captain America). Chris and Anthony flew in yesterday from Germany and will fly back tonight to resume filming. A clip of the movie was shown, it included various fight scenes and featured Bucky/Winter Soldier, Captain America, Falcon, Hawkeye and Black Widow. There was also a very brief shot of Black Panther, as well as a scene with Tony Stark dressed in a suit talking about the registration act at the center of "The Civil War". The clip ended with a funny scene involving Scott Lang (Ant-Man) meeting Captain America for the first time.

If you liked this you may also be interested to read about the preceding Lucasfilm panel here. Like us on Facebook for a whole lot more.

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