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Pop News: The Secret Wars Have Commenced


Marvel Collector Corps has been insanely successful. Just go to any Funko related site, blog, or Facebook page and you will see countless people showing off their newly received boxes, but not everyone that has subscribed to this box is enamored with it. The logistics for this box were shaky in the beginning, including people getting charged too many times, boxes not being shipped, or the contents being missed or destroyed. These are, for the most part, problems of the past, because it seems they are getting their logistics straight. The contents in these boxes have always been great, so once these issues are fully taken care of this box will be the one to get for all Funko lovers.

Secret Wars is the theme to this month’s box. I am officially Nostradamus, because I called this two months ago in my Ant-Man review. For anyone who is not a reader of current Marvel comics, you probably have no idea what Secret Wars is. Secret Wars is about a bunch of Earths in other dimensions being destroyed, and the last two left are Earth-616, which is the normal Marvel universe, and the Earth from the Ultimate Universe. These two Earths collide, destroying both, but various characters and locations from each Earth are combined, creating Battleworld. It seems a bit confusing, but I have read the comics that have been released so far, and they tell a pretty good story with some great characters. Even though most Secret Wars characters are compelling, I am disappointed that my favorite character wasn’t chosen to be idolized in Pop! form. Don’t misunderstand, I think the characters are great, and the Pop! figures are made fantastically, but I had my heart set on a God Doom Pop!. At this point, God Doom is by far the most important character in this story, so a Pop! for him would have made sense.

The two Pop! figures that were included in the box are Miles Morales Spider-Man and Jane Foster Thor. I prefer the Miles Morales character, but the Jane Foster Thor Pop! far exceeds it. This is the best Thor Pop! ever made. Anyone with an older Marvel Pop! can look at the new Thor and see the strides Funko has made in terms of quality. The mold is extraordinarily detailed, with her body armor and helmet being the best I have seen on a Thor so far. The only one that might rival it is the Age of Ultron Thor, but I think the Jane Foster is a better figure.

Miles Morales, as far as I can tell, is a repaint of the original Spiderman Pop!. His costume is all black, instead of the Peter Parker red and blue, and the lines (or webs) and spider symbol on his chest are red instead of black like the original. He also has the same stance and mold as the original unless I’m overlooking something. It is a nice Pop!, but I would have liked something a bit different than the original. Then again, maybe I’m overthinking this because Miles’ costume is a lot like Peter’s except for the color variations.

Every box so far has come with a t-shirt, pin, patch, and comic book, and this one is no different. Both the patch and pin, like the ones in previous boxes, have Marvel Collector Corps written along the tops and bottoms. The patch for this box features Falcon while the pin is Superior Iron Man. These are some nice items, and I’m sure many collectors will enjoy having them. I personally like the pins, but I could do without the patches I also don’t care much about the comics in every box, but I understand why they put it in there. It makes sense since Marvel is first and foremost a comic book company.

The comic is this month’s box is Secret Wars #1. Instead of the original cover this version has the Jane Foster Thor Pop! featured. Plenty of collectors must have complained, because this comic comes bagged and boarded while the previous versions did not.

Besides the Pop! figures, the thing I have enjoyed most from these boxes has been the t-shirts. I wear the previous two regularly, and this one will have a spot in my casual wardrobe. The shirt has Marvel Secret Wars in big red letters with Miles Morales, Jane Foster, Superior Iron Man, and Falcon Captain America in Pop! form underneath. I really like these shirts, and I find it’s a nice way to find other Pop! collectors in public. I’ve had numerous people approach me when wearing them. The big question people have about this t-shirt, pin, and patch is why are Falcon and Iron Man there. Are they going to be in Pop! form in a future box?

And here is where we predict the next box. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, so that explains my correct prediction two months ago regarding this month’s box. Can I do it again? Doubtful, but I’ll certainly give it the old college try. The two most common predictions I’ve seen so far are Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D or the Netflix Daredevil. I hope it is not SHIELD, because I have no interest in that show, but, admittedly, I haven’t given it much of a shot. But I love Daredevil, so I would be very excited for that. Others have predicted a second Secret Wars box. This would be surprising, because I doubt Funko would cover the same theme in two straight boxes. The most interesting prediction I have seen so far is Marvel Zombies. Since it is an October box many think they will be going for more of a Halloween theme. An interesting idea and I’m sure I would enjoy it, but I doubt this happens. We could also see the All New, All Different characters being showcased. Marvel will want to push their big event since it’s right after Secret Wars, but the latter is only about halfway done. This makes me think they may hold off on All New, All Different. I’m going to go with Daredevil since they haven’t covered a television show yet, and I think Marvel wants to push their Netflix series. Whatever the theme is it will have some big shoes to fill, because I give this Secret Wars box five out of five bobbleheads!

WATCH THE UNBOXING: This is our very own Ricky Baizas in his debut video for GOFN, "Ricky Reviews":

Editors note - AKA Jessica Jones is the next Marvel Netflix series coming and is scheduled for the 4th quarter in 2015. Could we see Luke Cage and Jessica Jones Pop! figures? Only time will tell.

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