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Alien v Batman: Winning Essay

Here at Go Figure News we enjoy offering interesting contests from time to time - we have had several clever winners in the past who have taken home some wonderful and wacky collectables. This time around we were astounded to learn that our winner, who submitted the above two-page essay for our recent Alien vs Batman Contest (sponsored by NECA) is only eleven (11) years old! This is promising for the next generation of collectors - and creatives thinkers to boot!

We thank Alex (CT) for submitting this wonderful response to our giveaway and his entire set of Alien Series 5 will be en route to him shortly! Our second prize winner (winning NECA's Batarang!) wrote a very cool parody using a Prince tune and changing the lyrics - we congratulate Christopher B (NY). We want to truly thank everyone who responded to this contest as we received a huge batch of wonderful passages on the subject - and the deliberation among the GO-Team was difficult, though we hope you will agree we selected a winning answer.

Here for your reading pleasure, is the winning essay (with his dad's consent)!

Batman vs. Alien

Batman was in the batcave when monitoring Gotham. suddenly a distress signal from an international space station near the jla watchtower went off. Batman immediately went to the watchtower transport station and beamed up with the advanced tech that he made with wayne tech spare parts and fresh materials. As soon as batman got to the watchtower he heard a boom!!! Batman looked out the window and saw the space station impaled within the watchtower. As the Watchtower was breaking apart, Batman moved quickly to the entrance in the space station to look for survivors.

Now inside the space station, Batman could not find any of its crew members. There was no one at the main controls. As Batman walked down the narrow hallways he saw an image moving in the distance, Moving in for a closer view Batman was stunned to find one of its crew members encased within a slimy, tough cocoon that was adhered to the wall. Batman tried to free the helpless crew member from the cocoon but to no avail. Noticing the Russian Flag on his uniform Batman spoke to the cosmonaut “Что случилось здесь друг?”” (this translates as “what happened here friend”). The cosmonaut, with the last breathe of his body spoke only two words “крушение судно” (translates as “crash this ship”)

At this point batman realizes that the ship was put off course by the crew of the space station. Something very fearful must have driven them to such a drastic action. As Batman searches for other crew members through the darkened hallway, he sees a long pointy tail emerging from the vent. The full form of its body begins to take shape as the creature fully materializes. This is nothing Batman has ever seen on the streets of gotham or anywhere else on earth. This creature must be alien. Batman reaches for a batarang while lunging for a nearby table for cover. The alien charges Batman but fails to strike the first blow. As Batman dodges the attack he throws a batarang at the menacing creature. The batarang cuts only partially through the alien’s thick hide. The Alien screams out and begins to bleed. The blood makes contact with the table and batman notices the blood quickly eat right through the metal.. He needs to keep his distance. He doesn’t want to test whether or not that acid can burn through his kevlar sealed batsuit. The Joker has used some pretty toxic compounds during with Batman but this seems much more potent. The alien crouches for another charging attack but Batman distracts the Alien with a few smoke bombs. Slightly confused, the Alien loses sight of Batman giving him precious seconds to make a dash down the dark corridors of the space station, Traveling down the hallways he sees the other crew members strung up the same way as the other cosmonaut, however these bodies are left with open holes in their chest.

As Batman makes it to the module containing station console he closes the hatch to seal himself away from the approaching Alien. Batman works quickly at the computer and sets the thrusters in motion to cause the space station to come out of orbit. In minutes, the space station and the watchtower will both be pulled into Earth’s atmosphere by Earth’s gravity and burn up. Batman hopes there is enough power on the Watchtower to transport him back to Gotham.

Batman readies himself for his final confrontation with the alien. He opens the hatch and as the alien cautiously enters batman hits him with two explosive batarangs which causes acid to spill out of the alien body. This acid sprays on batman’s cape and cowl and he is forced to remove it. Batman heads out the open hatch and heads to the watchtower transporter. Using all of his acrobatic skills he enters the transporter room on the watchtower. However, standing before him are two aliens that look just like the first. Their tails are swinging wildly behind them and they appear ready to strike. Batman uses his grapling gun to try and propel himself to a ledge above the transporter. One of the alien’s tails catches batman in the leg and creates a deep cut and batman falls to the floor. A few more tail attacks from the alien pair are thwarted by Batman’s gauntlet gloves and Batman regains his footing. Batman reloads the grapling gun and uses his next shot to tie around the legs of the Alien pair. This gives him enough time to set the coordinates and power up the transporter. The watchtower computer sets off a warning “Now entering Earth’s Atmosphere, 30 seconds until burnup”. Just then, the first alien drops down from the ceiling and grabs Batman around the waist with his long fingers. He picks BAtman up to seemingly get a closer look. The Alien’s long extra mandibles begin to bite at the air and ready for a final blow. Batman is able to free some gas pellets from his belt and the alien drops him to the floor. The Watchtower is begin to glow and melt from the friction with the EArth’s atmosphere. With one final push batman hits the transporter button and sends himself to gotham as the final pieces of the watchtower and Space Station disintegrate high in the Earth’s atmosphere.

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