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Muppets Vs Moms

OK, OK! So, they are fed up and don't wanna take it no more. There is a fringe group out there amid the masses that refer to themselves as "One Million Moms" (undeserving of a link). Now, these so-called "moms" (did anyone get a true headcount btw?) want to squelch the new version of Disney/ABC's The Muppets television show heading our way tomorrow night at 7PM Central Time. They say, and I quote:

“Children will not enjoy this perverted humor on topics they are far too young to comprehend or understand," they wrote. "ABC has ruined The Muppets by introducing adult subjects to children. I do not appreciate your network attempting to trick my family into watching a vile show.”

WAKE UP + SMELL THE MILLENIUM: Really now? Hmmm, let's see. Perhaps the makers behind the scenes are trying to, in some way, find a way to slightly bridge the gap between modern society, parenting and comic relief? If you don't tell kids about the birds and the bears (and the frogs and the pigs) early on their eventually going to take a left turn down a dark alley during the eclipse of time. Or is that Doctor Who? Now, I have not seen any previews to personally remark, though I am a lifelong fan of Jim Henson's original, though I do live and breathe in 2015, and realize that "family values" have been sculpted by modernity. And anyone reading this will nod if they have seen a random child dashing through a restaurant, store or elsewhere unaccompanied by a parent, yes? Well, the little ones get away sometimes, they need a break from the shackles of family sometimes to get an independent grip on life as it really is. Who are those virtual petitioning moms anyway? Smells distinctly like a right wing conservative pr scheme to me -- put your thoughts here....

GROW(N) UP!: I'm all for keeping certain things sacred, however, The Muppets, if you have been paying attention all you million moms, have evolved with the times. Did you not see the last two films? Or the several specials over the years? Coompare and contrast the content of The Simpsons with this new 'documentary-style' Muppets show in prime time - I mean, most of the humor from the former really are adult-driven double entendres and as you can see, it is still the longest running cartoon of all time! Perhaps a few of you ladies are strong enough to stand up to the crowd of your tribe and talk to me in a few days after you sat down with junior, taking in the show rather than outright rejecting something before you've seen how they handle it on your flat screen.

I for one reject censorship outright, and believe in our indelible freedoms to speech, and pursuit of wacky cartoonery!

PS: We know who the COOL moms are out there, too! They will be tuning into The Muppets on ABC, starting tomorrow at 8PM est.

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