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Heroine: The Ladies Of The Darkest Night

Two traditional Halloween characters have, for years, been Morticia Addams from The Addams Family and Lily Munster from The Munsters. Let's have a poll to see who you prefer and why because I can never decide between the two as they're so different but so similar. They both rock the Gothic-chic look (although one in black and one in white) as well as a Gothic nature although I think most women out there will agree on which husband they'd prefer!

Both the Addams family and the Munster family live in spooky old castle-type houses and somehow have lots of money yet no money at the same time. They are both gothic characters but are "spooky" for slightly different reasons. Morticia Addams seems to have more of a taste for pain, receiving and inflicting painful activities and an obsession with death. Lily Munster however gets her nature from descending from Dracula, having "monster" in her blood as well as her family and her fiery temper.

Why these two women are a popular choice for Halloween costumes is seemingly pretty obvious. It is difficult to explore the background of Morticia as there isn't a whole lot out there about her past history, as much as that on Lily.

The name Morticia was taken from the Latin "mors/mortis" meaning "death". She has an older sister named Ophelia. Morticia (whose maiden name was Frump) is married to Gomez Addams, a suave and charming man who wears suits and enjoys playing with knives and toy trains. They have 3 children: Wednesday, a gothic girl who is also a popular choice for Halloween costumes; Pugsley, an overweight and grumpy (although obedient) boy and Pubert who is essentially a baby version of Gomez. Grandmama and Fester (who is Gomez's brother in the films but Morticia's uncle in the TV series) also live with them and are just as gothic and creepy: one being a mad "old hag" witch, the other a bald man who can light bulbs in his mouth.

Lily Munster's history is a bit more detailed. She was born in 1827, her father was Sam Dracula (known as "Grandpa" which can be a little concerning if he is also her father) and her mother was his 166th wife. She met Herman Munster in Romania and married him in 1865. They then moved to America in the 1940s along with Grandpa and adopted Marilyn, her sister's daughter. Their only biological child is Eddie who is half-werewolf (receiving this from his full werewolf uncle, Lily's brother).

Both of these women are excellent choices for costume but I am interested in hearing your thoughts about them and who you would prefer to dress as.

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