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Top Five Spooky Video Games & Associated Figures

So, you think trick-r-treating is for kids, huh? And dressing up is for cos-players. Well, well, well, if you are staying in during this high holiday of spooktacular-ness why not sit back with a joystick or other gaming gizmo as we countdown our favorite five spooky video games that include mini figures!

5.) “The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” (N64/3DS)

What is scarier than knowing the exact hour of your demise and the grippingly grizzly manner that it will be put into action? How about the face of the moon as it slowly falls to the planet over the span of three days? How about a mask that devours and deviates your mind and turns a smiling prankster into a full-fledged god of fear? Skull Kid rather the Mask of Majora is creepy as all get out and this statue from First Four Figures encompasses that malice perfectly. There is a smaller scale version that was given out as Limited Edition bundle when the game was ported to 3DS however Skull Kid is scowling sulking spook and if I were to run into him in a forest on a full moon night I would definitely soil myself in defeat.

4.) “Resident Evil Remake” (GC/Wii/PS4/Xbone)

There is something about old houses that make them naturally scary now put a sociopath’s plan to feed his friends to zombies as they solve nerve wracking puzzle in spooky old mansion and you have the original Resident Evil. There are a few cut scenes that still give me the willies such as the bathtub and closet scene. This Albert Wesker figure is more than prepped for zombie slaying. With an array of weapons and his midnight trench-coat there is an S.T.A.R.S. variant but honestly how comfy is a trench-coat when combating the un-dead?

3.) “Metal Gear Solid” (PS/GC)

Admittedly the game is not scary but having an boss know every move you will ever make before you make it is scary then to have them spout out your memory card history claiming to know you better than you know yourself and the scariest part is for a moment however brief you actually believe it.. Then you swap controller ports and kick names and take his a** to the beyond he claims to be a part of. Psycho Mantis is freakishly chilling and memorable character in every way. This rare Mc Farlane toy captures his nastiness perfectly.

2.) “Castlevania” (NES/PS)

As a kid I would spend hours memorizing attack patterns of giant eye-balls and Medusa Heads. I would cry out with fury as giant moths and werewolves would swipe me to the ground. It is no secret that the only reason I got into classic Universal monsters is because I would play Castlevania on my NES and wonder where these spooky adversaries came from. As powerful the Belmont clan may be they shall never disperse the darkness of Dracula. Behold what power the Belmonts wield if this statue from First Four Figures is indication of such. This rendition of Simon Belmont is truly epic and seeps fearlessness in the face of horror itself.

1.) P.T. Silent Hills (never released PS4)

I had never actually shrieked in fear during a video game. Until I played P.T. the entire experience was surreal and truly made me feel a sense of unsettled dis-orientation. P.T. was supposed to be the new “Silent Hill” game featuring Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead master-minded by the dream team duo Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro. I used the past tense “was” as in it was canceled. I was truly fearful interacting with this piece of software. I felt immediate danger from a video game. I was horrified by the ghost Lisa and the blandness of a well detailed purgatory-ish hell hall. I wanted to play what was being called video game history but at the same time it felt like an interactive Serbian Film I felt disgusted and herald immediate bathing to become once again clean. All of this negative emotion from a demo. I was stoked for the game but it will never come and almost all traces of it have been erased. To some people the scariest thing in the world is what might have been. Some of us are terrified of the hypothetical “What if?” I for one do not want to think of the horrors that would be conjured had this game actually happened. Speaking of horrors and what if? Imagine running into Pyramid Head from “Silent Hill 2”.

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