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GOFN 4 Sale But Will Not Sell Out!

Go Figure News (GOFN), the web magazine for and by an emerging community of collectors, is now for sale. We are geek pop culture with a purpose, to serve like-minded beings. We love action figures and vinyl collectibles! Over the course of the past few years we have offered previews and insight about what's out there and what's yet to come in the ever-growing toy market. We have offered a whole serious of interviews with artists and makers behind-the-scenes. The site (, including it's GO-TV format and all associated branding, domain and social media is now available, but only through the end of 2015. But this is not your typical sellout.

GOFN was built to serve a growing number of fellow adult toy collectors. Some sites are built by companies with the sole purpose to sell its property for a speedy ROI. We believe that as the site was built, slowly, by community efforts and audience input, that it would be best suited in the hands of an entrepeneur who would want to keep most of the current structure. There is a solid and significant community of collectors who want easy access to in-depth information about independent toys, imported action figures and other industry news, and that is what we deliver, daily! Building on it should be a fun and inventive process, making for a very interactive, yet not solely a commercial enterprise. We believe in an honest continuity, a partnership between readers and creatives (videomakers, writers, toymakers). That's why we are making this a completely transparent and open process.

THE NUMBERS: Currently we have a fluctuating readership, with between 10-12K unique hits a month via Google Analytics. Our audience is very diverse and international in scope from all walks of life, spanning ages from 10 to 75! We are proud to be a voice that offers something different to our followers

Our very popular Facebook page has been a central hub for posting our news and reviews as well as a daily take on the broader spectrum of the toy industry. We are proud to incorporate intelligent and motivated journalists in the process who have developed a voice that matters in weekly columns designed with a wide range of pop culture themes. We also incorporated a private Facebook page that we use strictly for editorial purposes as we communicate on a daily basis with our entire GO-Team (journalists, videomakers).

Our Twitter, YouTube and Instagram sites are active too - though could be expanded upon greatly. We tend to primarily focus on medium to small toymakers and artists, however, our contributors (all who have donated their time and talent) have always had their fingers on the pulse of what's coming next industry-wide. At times we are critical, pointing out the flaws in a consumer-driven arena, most of the time utilizing humor and common sense.

About a month ago we added the GO-Shop to our site, which would be a great opportunity for any new owner/publisher to introduce an income producing entity. For investment (ROI) purposes we are also integrated within several affiliate programs including and others. There is plenty of room for expansion or even re-branding, though the site is intended to be for and by community at this point, and we truly seek a saavy partner to create a positive transition between now and 2016 (Q1).

Here at GOFN we hold to the expectation that intellectual property and individual creativity matter, so we are hoping that any merger or sale will lead to a positive end result for our current or new contributors to the site. Bring on the best creative capital investor to see this site bloom in its full potential! Of course, this could be incorporating a best practice for the dedicated team, whether in product or commission-based monthly postings. Then again, you may have your own team and process that already aligns with what we do. So, the world is our oyster, time to get shucking! Though the site was recently evaluated for its monetary value we are not putting a price tag on this limited time offer, it has to be the right fit all around.

Please contact me directly to discuss your interest and/or offer. Any reasonable offer will be taken into account, so Hang Ten! :)

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