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Biggest Blackest Billion Buck Bubble

PIECE ON EARTH: That's right - another year, another "sale". But what exactly is being bought and sold? Your self respect, your time, your soul? You have seen the crazy crowd (mob) mentality videos streaming on social media ...the en masse-ness of it all. Please, let the ridiculous raucous come to a conscientious end! Please. Not to sensationalize the 'reality show' appeal here, but, really now?

While people were (again) out there in suburbia, fighting over flatscreen tvs and other unnecessary big ticket items they really can't afford, just to save 15% on an already 175% mark-up, beating each other senseless in the big box stores all across this land -- a certain din rang clear in the near barren middle class, and even more audible than ever in our human history. Sure, those brazen ads are colorfully compelling though that seems not to have stopped the penchant for gouging on credit-based shopping from sea to shining sea. We the people have become subject to an instant culture society, sheep disguised as normal consumers, rising up from intimate Thanksgiving family gatherings, meals and get togethers, just to get a prime parking space at the most convenient mega mall, et al. Is home no longer where the heart is?

We allow ourselves to be bent and shaped by the amount of dollars we spend, but at what cost? Is it the shallow high one gets from instant retail therapy that has become a quasi return on investment, and new family value? Is it worth not spending engaging time with loved ones to instead allow big money interests to dictate that we have become the disposible goods class? Well, not as far as Time magazine reports, as this year sales were down more than $1B! Hey, some of those dollars will be virtual, yes, after all it is 2015, and Cyber Monday is tomorrow, and we can only hope that the internet will not completely collapse in the wake of unconscious spending!

REALITY SHOW REALNESS: Has society come to this? If so, my question is why? Why do we go over and above (generally speaking) our median income to splurge when money's too tight to mention? For the sake of the economy? Are we individually doing our part of pay back the national debt (lol!)? That's not gonna happen in 100 Black Fridays, guaranteed! Why not take back the night, people, and perhaps make a small donation to a cause that is important to you instead? Or why not look to the many independent artists out there who are trying to keep the creative alive, making unique things that will cheer someone up? Has competitive shopping 'til you are dropping become a social sport?

Hey, perhaps the people behind Cards Against Humanity have it right, check this out! Without preaching, we are asking real questions and making postulations about what if.....we really did have peace on Earth?

Join us on Facebook and let us know what you think (or did, or didn't)!

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