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Sunday Bloody Funday: Don't Krampus My Style

Krampus is a horned, human like figure who, during the Christmas season, punishes children who have been naughty, in great contrast to Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas), who rewards the children who have been good with gifts. The origins where this folklore had begun is unclear, but Krampus is now as well known as Santa Claus.

Let's take a look at the many different figures and toys based off this dark figure of Christmas.

Artist Kjelshus Collins has made a devilishly cool Krampus ornament out of polymer, just in time for Christmas. Highlighted by the victims he's carrying in a sack on his back and by his giant red snake like tongue, this Krampus will scare you into putting him near the back of the tree. Collins has captured the creepiest thing you'll ever hang on your tree. check out more here at his webpage.

Obsessed Panda recently released it's 8" Freezer burnt killer Krampus. This Krampus comes with chains, weapons to beat bad little children, and even (what I assume) is a bad little child. This Krampus has a mixture of red and blue coloring. See if any of the 4 sets are still up for grabs here.

Dead Hand Toys and Mike "NEMO" Mendez did their take on Krampus at NYCC2015 earlier this year. This 5" hand cast, hand painted resin figure is scary. With his large red tongue and his crazy eyes, he's not up to any good. Horns and sticks to beat naughty children are also on hand in this version of Krampus. Come get him made to order here.

Mezco's Living Dead Dolls even got into the Krampus spirit by releasing their very own limited edition German exclusive. Standing 10" tall and covered in black fur, this version of Krampus is closer to what the folklore's describe. Who wouldn't want a Krampus with a blue man group colored baby face, and five points of articulation? I forgot to mention that the blue face is covered by a true Krampus face. Krampus' face has a large red tongue and horns protruding from the top of either side of his head.

This version of Krampus was limited to 2000 pieces Worldwide. There are three variants of the figure: The classic Krampus with black fur and bright bone mask, a version with black fur and red mask and one with white fur and bright bone mask. Put this guy on the shelf and kick that little Elf to the curb!. More info.

The next Krampus folk-art figure was made by Scott Smith of Rucus Studio based out of Portage, Michigan in 2011. Anti Claus comes with a sculpted cast head, hands and feet, Scott even made the clothing from vintage textiles. This Krampus comes complete with one human foot and one cloven hoof, just like Austrian folklore depicts. Truly creeptastic, check out more here about Scott Smith. Info.

There's also Warpo's Don't Cuddle the Krampus plush toy (which we've mentioned on GoFigureNews many times now). I enjoy this version of Krampus because it brings me back to the days of watching My Pet Monster (look it up, I'm old). Warpo brought in Madballs illustrator Jim Groman and veteran plush artist Donna Miranda to help design Krampus. Featuring three naughty kid pillows,the never failing long red tongue, hooved feet and large molded chains, this guy has a horribly lovable feel to him (maybe that's how he tricks you). Warpo did a good job with making Krampus bright, furry, and eye catching. There's many perks up right now for the Kickstarter for this Krampus, including a coloring book. Get him while you can, before he gets you. Check out the site.

So it's very close to Christmas, who will be coming to visit you this year?

Merry Krampus and don't forget to Like Us on Facebook, from Canadian Chris EH!

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