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Skelton Crew Studio: Behind The Scenes

Recently we were introduced to the fine craftsmen of Skelton Crew Studio situated in rustic Maine. They take much of their inspiration from the written word, graphic novels and comics. It is a privilege to take a look at some of their quality wares as you can see here in our video review. After looking at these items which include licensed replicas, plushes and other surprises we conducted a short interview with the creative minds behind their company:

Q: When and how did Skelton Crew Studio originate?

A: We’ve been in business since 2009 – the studio launched with the SDCC-exclusive Ghost Key for IDW that summer. Our basic mantra is that we want to love the properties we work with. Most of the time, we’ve been fans first. Hopefully, that passion shows.

Q: Of the four items we had a look at, are there some interesting secret connections between them?

A: Ha! Aside from every book that they’re linked to being excellent, the studio is the common denominator.

Q: On the 'C is for Cthulu' plush figure - are there others in the series? Can you say something about the related book?

A: The book is by our good friend Jason Ciaramella and I believe he’s at work on the next adorably creepy installment in the series. We produced the green, red and purple plush for publisher ComixTribe’s really successful Kickstarter campaign last summer. We’re selling 100 special sets via our website, pairing a plush, board book and a special Miskatonic University postcard (a 'Lovecraft-an' nod) signed by Jason and artist Greg Murphy. The studio does a lot of signing extras whenever possible. Not everyone can make it to a con and it’s a little something special from that creator to them.

Q: What types of physical materials are you using, and are your items mostly physically produced in Maine?

A: Materials really vary by the project. Plush, vinyl and resin are produced overseas at factories that we have some really strong relationships with – they know we’re unrelenting when it comes to quality. The majority of our pewter metal work is cast in New England and we hand-finish and hand-polish in Maine.

Q: How did you form a relationship with IDW’s “Locke & Key” and are Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez a part of your collective?

A: We first met Joe at small regional con in Bangor, Maine in 2008. We had mutual friends and the first “Locke & Key” hardcover was just coming out. We really hit if off and he asked me if I could make the Ghost Key for Christmas presents for the IDW crew that year. We did, they dug them and that paved the way for the SDCC exclusive.

After that, we formalized a deal for the keys with IDW and grew from there, signing “CHEW,” “Mouse Guard,” “B.P.R.D.” and “Stuff of Legend,” and more recently Ben Templesmith and Alan Robert's "Killogy." Joe and Gabe are really good friends and we riff off each other really well. They’re certainly part of the process when it comes to bringing the keys to life, and they’ve amazingly supportive of the studio, too. They’re great guys. Fortunately, I can say that – and honestly – about all the creators we work with. We’ve lucked out.

Q: Can you talk about literal, or should I say literary connections between the products you produce and the source material from which they are inspired?

A: It’s a direct inspiration. For the keys, I want it to look like you gave one of the hardcovers a shake and that key fell out. For our "B.P.R.D." line with Mike Mignola, it’s interpreting his art in a way that captures his distinctive, amazing art. For "CHEW," it’s working with John Layman and Rob Guillory to brainstorm what crazy thing we can come up with next in that universe, getting control art from Rob and going to town.

Q: What's next for SCS?

A: Deadpool, of course.

Seriously, we think about that once a week. We have some really cool plans in the works, like our next mini-bust (Bode Locke from “Locke & Key”) and a 19-inch solid cherry Troll Witch’s Spoon from "B.P.R.D." that is crazy badass, as well as some things we can’t talk about yet. We’re always looking for that next book that lights us up.

Check out Skelton Crew Studio at their site.

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