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3A Review + Contest to Win A Pascha

Go Figure News is very proud and excited to bring you another contest giveaway, sponsored by our good friends Tenacious Toys (NYC). We are revved up for a few good reasons that are showcased in the video below. This is our very first time having the opportunity to review figures from the Hong Kong-based company (and its many smaller projects) that is turning heads, 3A. They are truly one of the most talked about brands out there, and with good reason - they focus on every detail and relish in exquisite design. AND we are giving away BOTH of these amazing figures!!!


Sarah M (of Ottawa, Canada): Kuntsler Pascha

"My favorite collectible is and forever will be my 1980's Voltron figure set. For anyone that got the chance to own this you know why this is one of the best collectibles of all time. Panosh Place released a set of action figures and each Voltron Lion that connected together to make Voltron!. Now these weren't necessarily built as well as the Matchbox Voltrons, but they were super fun to play with. Each Action figure in the set was sculpted Awesome. I dare say the best for their time. The reason I love this collectible so much is because I used to play with them for hours and hours and imagine being on the Voltron team. These toys entertained me more than Television ever could. Just imagine being at the helm of your own giant Robot? How cool would that be (as a child Ultra cool!). Sure over the years the paint chipped and the plastic bent on Voltron,He didn't fit together like he used to, But the magic of that time and this collectible has never vanished. It brings me back to that magical time when things were simpler, and everytime I pass my favorite collectible I'm back their at the commands of Voltron."

Dan B (Michigan): Bi Lingual Droid Cosplay Pascha

"The Marvel Select toys have always just been ok to me except for the "Zombies" Sets that have came out. My son and I both love zombie stuff and while i'm more a comic book guy and he's more of a toy car kid we both can agree Zombies kick butt! Over the years he's help me find and get the older Marvel Zombie superhero's and another thing that makes these special to me is just the fact that Disney no longer allows marvel to make Zombie hero's but instead only gave Select permission to do the villains now. We were both waiting for a Zombie Wolverine for so long lol how sweet that would have been we can only dream. Unfortunately I broke my hip at work last week so I will be out of work for over half a year recovering, very physically demanding job as I help take care of people with behavioral and mental disorders but can be very rewarding as well. I can imagine this will have a big impact on the son and my toy collecting, he's only 12 by the way but it seems like that doesn't bother him at all and he's only worried about me getting better. I've collected Ashley woods figures for awhile now and it takes up a decent amount of space fast, sense I got hurt last week, we've been working on making a room for him and collectables as I mentioned the Marvel select zombies have been pretty high up on my list of favorite toys but I know they were equally important to him as we hunted and purchased them all together. Only get the little guy on 3 weekends every month but next weekend when he comes over i'm gonna surprise him and have all the zombies we've collected displayed in his new display room for him kinda like a pass of the torch from one generation of collectors to the next. I've added a pic of the zombies I'm putting up in his room as well as the xray of my new half cyborg leg as my son likes to call it."

Windy S: Honorable Mention (we only had two figures to give, but we had to share this warm story with our readers as we felt it definitely deserves an honorable mention)!

"My favorite collectible would have to be , although it's not a designer vinyl. But it would have to be my Steiff Winnie the Pooh , my husband got me for Christmas. You see Pooh has been such a huge part of my childhood , I can't remember a time when I didn't have a stuffed Pooh by my side. My parents got divorced when I was 2 years old and my dad got custody of me, which was pretty unheard of in 1967. He was in the Navy at the time and bought me my first Winnie the Pooh to keep me company while he was deployed and I had to stay with whoever would keep me. Those were rough years for me , and Pooh was the only constant I had in my life at the time. Pooh became my best friend :) I told him everything! He knows all my secrets , hopes and dreams. No one truly knows how important Pooh was and still is in my life. So although he is not a "Toy" in the sense you may be thinking of in terms of this contest he is my favorite Collectible in my collection of Toys."

CONGRATULATIONS + THANK YOU to Everyone Who Participated!

We also review Playge Rat, a collaborative project between threezero and Playge as well as two figures in The World of Isobelle Pascha line from 3A, designed by formidable artists Siuyin and Ashley Wood. We'll give you a little hint about what we think before you watch the video, we absolutely LOVE it!


Indeed. To be eligible we have established a few basic rules, and one interactive element is in place to make it easy and fun to win! No Purchase Necessary!


1.) Watch our REVIEW on YouTube for more details...and let us know you like it by giving us a Thumbs Up. And please, Comments are always welcome!

2.) Subscribe to our YouTube Channel - we have a ton of videos already online, and planning more as we grow our viewer base!

3.) Like our Facebook page. Here we have more great stuff about the best in the figure-based toy industry, with a focus on independent makers!

4.) TELL US YOUR STORY: Tell us a short story about your favorite collectable of all time and why it was meaningful to you (now or then). If you are able to include an image of your own, great, but if not, something that you pull from Google will suffice, as long as it comes close to your prized possession. Send your story and image to us here (or email: w/ "3A Contest" in the header).

5.) To thank our friends at Tenacious Toys for making this contest possible, we ask that you visit them on the web. They are truly one of the best out there for any/all your designer toy needs. No purchase is necessary, but after you peruse you may just fall in love with their wide selection. Give them some love on Facebook here. We think its high time to celebrate small businesses, especially those caring enough to both stock wonderful items from all over the globe that would otherwise be unavailable in the region. They currently stock Playge Rat, Bi Lingual Droid Cosplay Pascha and Kunstler Cosplay Pascha (with other amazing new figures in this line coming soon)! Also, they are one of only a handful of resellers that carry the Threezero/3A lines in the USA! So, have a look/see as we think you will find their prices more cometitive than most others out there.

HOW IT WORKS: Contest starts NOW and runs until Friday March 25th at 6PM CST for all submissions (one per person)! We announce the Winner/s on April Fools Day! Our team is excited to read through your submissions and select the best.

Good luck. :)

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