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Brick Addiction: People Are People

The Amazing Addition to LEGO People Pack: What’s a city with a sparse population? While LEGO City theme sets always came with a sprinkling of matching minifigures, collectors wouldn’t mind shunning away with birth control and populate their cities with sets created specifically as a minifig festival.

A set like this comes far in between generations, and whenever they come, they carry distinct qualities, functionalities, and yeah, political correctness. In the past, occupations considered as hazardous like firemen and policemen were exclusive to male minifigs, and female ones were usually devoted to just making themselves pretty. But since times are a-changing and gender equality has been evolving, more and more female minifigs take over works usually reserved for men, such as construction workers, astronauts, and the like.

Recently, after children were also incorporated as official members of the minifigure family, a certain sector of the society considered overlooked wanted more representation in the toys that they play. If Mattel decided to relaunch Barbie in various height and weight to reclaim the No.1 toy throne from LEGO, the latter decided to be politically correct and designed a new city people pack with a disabled minifigure in a wheelchair. Why, that Clumsy Guy minifig in the CMS theme would be happy to hear this!

She is included in a beautiful set of fifteen minifigures, considered numerous for such a set, in a LEGO City theme creation called ‘Fun at the Park’ No. 60134, scheduled for release this summer of 2016. Aside from her, there’s also another first in minifg history – the infant one. Unlike the infant featured in one ethnic CMS minifigure, this one has two hands and a head, and in scale with the standard minifigure. Could he be any cuter? He was the smallest and yet he easily stood out among the rest – making himself the best bait for this set.

With this baby, the disabled one, grandparents, kids, and male and female adults, the ‘Fun at the Park’ set couldn’t have represented 2016 any better. Who knows, in the future another sector will demand LEGO to expand its minifig family by including gay and lesbian ones?

* Photos featured herein have been borrowed online.

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