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Behind The Figure: A Large Evil Corporation

I have been a massive fan of the work being produced by A Large Evil Corporation for a couple of years now, so to see their 3D visuals appear in the market as actual vinyl figures in the form of Vinyl Idolz was something we were pleased to see. These are some of the best products that FUNKO manufacture and have available for sale in their ever growing catalogue of licensed products.

The characterisation and attention to detail with these products does take people by surprise, and they are so much better in hand - as the best figures often are. There is currently 42 figures available in the range at FUNKO and I am looking forward to see what the future reveals for new characters available to buy in the Vinyl Idolz style.

The artist behind these figures goes by the name Kibooki - we got the chance for a quick Q&A with Kibooki (an in depth interview will be to follow at some point) and here is what he had to say:

Where were you born, and where do you live now?

London, Bath.

Can you tell us about where you work and what you do?

A Large Evil Corporation is a character animation production company based in Bath. I am Creative Director and Co-owner of the company. Mainly, I direct animation for commercials and oversee all other creative output.

Did you always want to do what you are doing now?

I always wanted to be involved somehow in the creative industry, not specifically animation.

Did your education contribute to your work now?

My entire education was focused on going to Art School, never with a particular discipline in mind, eventually I studied Illustration at University.

What inspires you?

Pretty much anything and everything, my children are great at bringing abstract and oblique views to things, I mainly nick their ideas.

Which part of the process of creation do you find the most fulfilling personally?

It varies from project to project, in animation it is very easy to get hung up on minutiae and not see the big picture. I enjoy working quickly and moving on to the next thing.

Is there any part of the process of creation that frustrates you?

At times, every part of the process can be difficult. Sometimes the supposedly simplest task becomes a massive bottle neck, it’s different every time. It keeps it interesting I suppose.

Do you prefer working in a digital or a traditional environment?

I draw a lot but never as a finished product, Sketching brings freedom and the computer brings precision.

Are there any 3D visuals you have created and would personally like to see created as commercially available figures?

I’d love for more horror characters to become Vinyl Idolz, I think they work best.

Are there any artists you think people should know more about?

I love the Nobrow stuff, at the moment I’m really into Ryan Heshka’s ‘Mean Girl’s Club’ aesthetic… very stylish and a great use of minimal colours.

As is always the case if you are a successful artist, up and coming artists will look to you for advice - what advice (in very general terms) would you give to aspiring artists?

These days; Don’t read the comments.


Favorite food?

Satsumas and wasabi (not together)

Favorite movie?

Nuts in May

Super hero power you wish you possessed?

Mr Tickle’s arms.

Marooned on a deserted island, what 3 objects would you have with you?

Pencil, pad, pencil sharpener.

If you could meet any person (dead or alive) who would it be?

Pudsey the dog.

For more information on the available Vinyl Idolz figures....

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