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Bots + Monsters Goes Deep, Fried Figures

About The Creator: Hauke Scheer is a character designer from Germany. He has worked as graphic designer for computer games, animation and advertising. He is currently working on his own line of adult collectible figures with his company Deep Fried Figures GmbH. An adult collectible figure based on his Mechawhales are out now.

The story of Mechawhales started when Earth's whales began to gain awareness of their psychic powers. They first showed off this ability to humans somewhere around the year 2037. The whales showed the humans the errors of their ways with a bombardment of psychic messages. Humans were very close to destroying Earth due to wars and pollution. Whales and humans learned to work together as humans were showed the errors of their ways thanks to the brilliant whales, this lead to the Whale-Human Alliance.

During the next centuries humans and whales explored the galaxy peacefully together. During these travels they found many inhabitable Worlds some even showing signs of being already inhabited years before because of remains of long lost alien civilizations. Humans and whales built up colonies on those worlds and the Whale-Human Alliance flourished across the galaxy, but when they came in contact with a race of alien baddies war once again reared it's ugly head to mankind.

The humans knew they could not win this war alone. The alien soldiers were bigger, stronger and better armed then their human counterparts. In their time of need the Humans looked to their Whale allies for help in this new evergrowing problem.

Whales answered that call and many underwent surgery to enhance them to fight alongside the humans in giant robot suits. Now they fight as Mechawhales to bring back peace to the galaxy and help their Human friends.

This vinyl Mechawhale figure stands 5.5" tall, articulated at the wrists, shoulders and fluke add to the fun of this character. Also available are the MechaNarwhales, Mechawhales Beluga, and Mechawhales Orca figure (equipped with swords aplenty). There's also human foot soldiers and various alien force troops including Alien Terror Commander Leader, Alien Henchmen, and Mechawhales Alien Bionic Commando. Please also do yourself a favor and look at our review of the Mechawhale here.

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