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Plastic Trash: FCTRY Made Clinton

As the mudslinging continues this election year, I thought I’d take some time to review the FCTRY Hillary Clinton figure. I’ll keep my political bias out of it, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be throwing in a few zingers.

Hillary comes packaged in a nice, collector friendly box with an insert tray, so you would have no problem displaying the figure loose on the campaign trail and then packing it back up for indictments later in the year (I warned you).

The Hillary Clinton figure concept was conceived by the Brooklyn-based company FCTRY and was funded through a Kickstarter campaign, which raised $26,774 for the project. The design was based on the art of Mike Leavitt. The bottom of the box has a big MADE IN CHINA mark, so now you know where the $26k went.

The figure itself has 8 points of articulation. It has cut joints at the neck, shoulders, waist, and wrists and hinged elbow joints. A ball joint for the neck would have been nice because with the cut joint, Hillary can only turn her head left to right and gesture “no” when we’re all fully aware she says “yes” a whole helluva lot, especially when it comes to donations from large corporations.

Hillary stands about 5.75-inches tall, so I guess she’s considered to be a 6-inch figure. Because of this being a one-shot, it may be considered more of a designer/vinyl style of figure, so she might not fit in well with other 6-inch figures in your collection. Insert your own joke here.

The sculpt is adequate. From some angles, it’s Hillary Clinton. Other angles it’s Florence Henderson or Jane Lynch. I think FCTRY was a little soft on the caricature, they could of added a few more lines or depth to the face. The hair is done well. The underlying flat, brown paint is highlighted by a lighter brown paint that flows with the lines in the sculpt of the hair.

Hillary is sporting one of her favorite blue pantsuits. The outfit certainly helps define the character, so I don’t think they’ll be any confusion on whom the figure is supposed to be representing. Hillary comes with zero accessories, which makes her about as exciting as her campaign. So that is about as fun as a Hillary Clinton action figure could possibly be. You can trust me (because you probably don’t trust her), it’s pretty freaking boring.

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