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Oh No He's Back And He's Mad

Gojira or as we know him Godzilla started his rampage in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. He's gone through changes over the decades, but his cool factor never waned(Let's forget about Roland Emmerich's 1998 film). He's big, he's badass, and he's making his return on his home soil in on 7.29.16 in Shin Gojira(Godzilla Resurgence, marks the return of Toho Studios Godzilla territory after 12 years, and if the trailer below is any indication it's a welcomed return.

In the United States we will also be getting a US Godzilla part 2 rumored to be released in 2018. Until then feast your eyes on the one the only Gojira!

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