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Skink Chen Shows Stalk-Eyed Fly

Skink Chen out of Taiwan has designed this wonderfully warped Stalk-Eyed Fly. This thing would swat David Cronenberg's Fly right out of the sky. Thorny Eyelashes spike out for the super elongated eye span on this thing. Spiky teeth seemly ready to chatter sit below the eyes. as we work down the body we run into a weird Siamese twin type body shooting off to the right of said figure's head.

This second body is fairly bony and you can see bones popping through from underneath the skin. Tiny wings sit upon this bodies shoulders. Thin bony legs hang crossed with a odd type tail?. Long claw like nails at the bottom of the legs seem to be trying to climb up the main body. As we continue down the main body(Which one is actually the main body?) we travel down what appear to be Stalk-Eyed fly's long legs. At the base of these legs are horned spikes.

This piece is truly different, maybe even having some Taiwanese flare.

Follow Skink Chen on FaceBook for more awe inspiring pieces.

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