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Bots + Monsters Goes WW7174

Bambaland 3A has this beast of a two set coming out soon.

WW7174 3AGO Saturn Mk2 Titan is a whopping 24" tall fully articulated mech, with a spring loaded rocket is designed by Ashley Wood. I love the look of this giant mech, it feels like it may have come from Russia during the times of the Cold war.

To me it just has an old, weathered, outdated, technology feel to it. This is why it's a must have for any Giant Robot fan.

Also included in the set is the 8" tall Bi Gunner Hemmingway. I swear this has to be a long lost relative of Hellboy. I love the odd robotic arms (at least I think they're robotic) with giant pillar like weapons on them. The fact that this guy can pull off camo pants with Yellow sneakers, just makes him all the more cool. Hemmingway is also fully articulated and just ripe to bust some heads.

Price for this set is $280.00 including worldwide shipping. This set is up now so try and track it down at

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