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Bots+Monsters Lego Johnny 5 Is Alive

If you are like me you remember that movie Short Circuit (1986) starring that robot with a heart of gold Johnny Five. This military robot was brought to life by being struck by lightening, becoming aware and having feelings Johnny, with the help of a woman evades the people that want to deprogram him.

Well now Johnny Five may have the chance to live again in Lego form. PepaQuin the designer of a his fan built Lego Johnny Five submitted it to Lego Ideas , as of right now it's already received the 10,000 votes needed for Lego to consider putting it into production. Standing a ultra detailed 7 " tall, this Johnny was built with just 300 Lego pieces, and some tank treads.

As he moves into the next round before getting the okay for production, Johnny has another famous robot to go up against, a rolling Lego BB-8. I would hope that Lego sees the importance (and dollar signs) of both these characters and approves them both. The world is big enough for both robots and each has a great fanfare, so Lego give the people what they want and make Johnny five alive!.

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