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The Evil Kiss Army

These one off Ron English Evil Kiss Army figures were custom painted by Chop of Monster Farm. Each Evil Kiss Army member (Demon Gene, Starchild Paul, Ace Spaceace, and Catman Peter) have all new custom paint for their suits, make-up, boots, and burgers.

Each figure comes with it's own unique style unto is Evil Kiss Army uniform, from Starchild Paul's Star patterns on his jumpsuit sleeves and boots to Catman Peter's Python skin patterns on his jumpsuit.

All the group of figures wear a gold painted medallion with the letter "S" in the middle of it. Another common trait among these guys are the fact they all adorn a large letter "M" on the back of their jumpsuits, and each figure carries a large hamburger high above their heads in hand.

The accessories included consist of Demon Gene's multi-colored MC-47 rifle (removable), to an "Evil Burger" key chain done in the same paint pattern as the MC-47 rifle.

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