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Bots + Monsters Gets STOOPID

Charles Marsh the man behind Monsterforge Studios has just added this one off custom piece up on his Esty site for sale. This 8.5" tall "Stoopid Force" Elite Savage George and his best pal Sandy is a truly odd/different piece, one like I've never seen before. You get Savage George who is dressed in what looks like Samurai armor, with one arm a gun and the other a claw he sits upon Sandy. Sandy is one part dinosaur, one part bloody skull. She wears grey gloves made of metal?

I've done my best trying to explain this, I'll let Charles Marsh give you his story of what this figure is.

"This guy plays no games and always takes names. Former librarian from the planet Snuggles, Savage George now blazes a trail across the galaxy spreading the good news about how tasty books can really be. With his best pal Sandy, George will take on the forces of illiteracy no matter where they are and how fearsome they may be! Take a look... it's in a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers!" - Charles Marsh

I hope you now have a better understanding of what this custom figure is, if not I'm sure the pictures will help out. This all hand-crafted and painted custom by Charles and costs $52.85 Canadian Dollars.

Check Monsterforge's Esty for more oddities and customs.

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