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Bots+Monsters Gets Dark On The 13th

Mike Swisstack owner of Cthulhugizzard customs has hit it out of the park again, this time in the form of a living dead Batman. Dark Knight of the Living Dead, which was sculpted beautifully and meticulously by Casey Love, built and painted expertly by Mike Swisstack is a site to see.

A very Special thanks to Azad Karahan for use of this Killer picture above which he created !

This zombie Batman is standing around 11" tall, slinks and slithers his away back and forth in front of a grave stone that says " Rest In Peace Bruce Wayne". His elongated nails of hands and feet resembles that of claws of a monster. Giant fang like teeth are exposed from the deteriorated and rotting open sore known as his mouth. The yellow dead eyes show us that the Batman we once knew is no more, now all that remains is his tattered Batman suit, thrown across the rotting carcass of this living dead creature.

Mike has painted this sculpture just amazingly, you can almost smell the freshly embombed dead flesh shell that we used to call the Dark knight. I'm just jealous that this whole thing now belongs to one lucky owner.

Check out more of Mike Swisstack's pieces at or hit him up on Facebook.

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