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The Suit, The Machine

It's quite possible that John Eugene Atendido Avila has just completely evolutionized the 1:6th Scale form altogether! In his new creation JeAA (Philippines) x Pocket Fulla Pillz (USA) have brought us an instant sensation, a perfectly wry commentary on the transcience of technology in the workplace. A dystopian take on how machines and robotics have virtually replaced man in the entire equasion. And they have done it capturing a hint of zombie culture, just enough of a wink, not a blatant jump off the proverbial ledge. Yes, here is FAX01: The Suit, The Machine! At thirtysomething this designer/art director has found his stride, helping to put the Philippines on the map in the world of credible avant-garde toymaking. Before ogling below, check out his Flickr which is perfectly revealing of his burgeoning style.

We had the chance to connect with JeAA and he told us: "The character is made by Pockets Fulla Pillz, from their comic book:The Suit / The Machine. They asked me to make my interpretation about the design." When asked about the production of the figure he told me: "As of now I have only made the prototype of the character, it will be exhibited on local events like Komikon / APCC this year. It will be featured and displayed at Pockets Fulla Pillz booth."

PS: Who is Pockets Fulla Pillz?


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