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Happy Anniversary to Sucklord's Gay Empire

Happy Anniversary To You! Happy Anniversary To You! Etc..... I'd do it in a Marilyn Monroe-style channeling Robin Williams in The Birdcage peppered with a lil' jazz-handed Liza w/a "Z" if I could, but even as one of the few real mo's out here in the publishing geek-o-sphere, I can't - so I won't! ;)

PR-PR-PRETTY IN PINK (Isn't He!?): That said, politically erect or not, tip o' the hat to the master of the carded and repurposed, Mr. Sucklord (aka Morgan Phillips) and his Gay Empire which is now celebrating ten years - and a re-release to cherish the love:

THIS IS THE GAY EMPIRE, GET USED TO IT: It Sold Out upon announcement! But here's a peak at the honorary Super Suckstore page upon which it just appeared. "Manufactured by outsourced Slave labor in California."

DON'T ADJUST YOUR CMYK FILTER!: We looked at the original and so much more from the world of Suckadelic in early '15 and were mightily impressed with his large package, er, cadre of handcrafted wares. And whether the man behind the myth's sexual ID leans one way or another is no matter, here's a look back at some of the pinkier side of the empire....

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