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Stranger Things A Picture Show

I'LL HAVE THE #11: The Duffer Brothers have given a new generation a retro classic in Stranger Things, the amazing Netflix sci-fi phenomenon - released only last month! Without getting into the show's premise at all, save some for the uninitiated, save to say it was by far's favorite binge-watch this past season. A perfect pairing of much from the genre culled from the annals of the Eighties.

THE UPSIDE DOWN (boy you turn me): Who woulda thunk a kid-driven digital show would create such an exciting fervor! Now, season two is not officially green-lit - but if it's not I suggest everyone cancel their subscription - this is a huge hit! In our Etsy-age several independent toymakers and fans have started to envision their own creative take on the show and it's bursting at the seems. Here are some of the greatest hits so far....

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