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#DumpTrump Voodoo Doll?

DEPORT SUITS MADE IN MEXICO: Brooklyn-based design house FCTRY are at it again. And this time more brazen than before. Like most people disgusted with the entire political process these days there doesn't seem to be much on either side of the aisle, so why not make yet another pile o' plastic? Yes, they did it...they are making a dasterdly Donald for their ongoing crop of political "action figures" and in this case an "over re-action figure" - indeed!

For those who supported their Kickstarter for their yuuuuggggeeelllly successful 'Bernie' figure in this line, all designed by the credible talents of Mike Leavitt btw, FCTRY sent out a survey. In this survey they asked the supporters if they wanted a Trump or Elizabeth Warren figure (or write-in candidates for characters). They did send the results and somehow through the power of political (er, sales and marketing) persuasion they have ended up with this choice.

S(P)IT n' S(P)IN: Aside from this article we at GOFN will not be supporting this figure monetarily, nor do we condone this guy's political rhetoric, et al. But we do think the company behind it has at least half a soul for satirizing the man behind the mean in an apropos style. And though they are nearing their "smart-ass" (you have to read it to understand) non-Kickstarter goal of just $15K - we hope they only raise $14,999 and call it a day. They follow Funko in putting out figures that emulate this whole ridiculous, in-poor-taste campaign. Though we have long been saturated by political satire - it's just that this time around the campaign itself is steeped comb-over high in it. Since FCTRY are at a $14,244 purchase commitment at presstime it is highly likely that they will see this through. And though we do not support the larger concept, we do support smaller, independent companies, so we wish them success. If they do produce these hideous reminders of The Apprentice perhaps they'd work best as a voodoo doll or similar ;)

FALL OF THE EMPIRE: The middle finger on the tiny hands is a nice touch, the removable hair is ingenious, even the crony resemblance is quite good - but the buck stops there. But even though we will not have this on our commemorative shelf we have to hand it to FCTRY for having fun with it and making for a cheesy, fun advertising campaign - remember when they "threatened" us with a Darth Vader/Trump as an April's Fool joke? Well, this is the punchline folks!

UPDATE: They reached their goal and will go into production. One silver lining - 5% of all proceeds of the sale of this big-haired will go to Border Angels.

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