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Meet Cerf. Have you seen one of the latest from Doubleparlour? This one-off, unique resin work is an impressive 8" tall and wears a near complete costume to hide the true identity of the character. The deep red cape is ripe, bright and comical - making the forlorn lil' guy out to be a superhero wannabe. While wearing some clunky rubber rainboots and a gasmask with horns this couldn't be more bizarre. This for the duo who has, of late, been constructing both human-like figures alongside wildly imaginative twisty "forest dwellers". But for me, this one is a certain stand-alone. The metallic coiled onesie is spectacular as he stares into the abyss with a bit of intent. Pure sci-fi meets anthropomorphic fairy tale. We'd love to see him on a shelf alongside their other doozie, Rell (a mutant)! Oh my. Three thumbs way up!

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